Rhydians mum Angela never missed a live show of her son (Picture: Rex – Twitter)

X Factor star and musical theatre darling Rhydian Roberts has asked fans to pray for his sweet mum who is in a critical condition in hospital after a severe fall.

The Welsh opera singer is super close with his mum who reportedly never missed a live show when he appeared in the fourth season of the X Factor.

During the shows she could often be spotted in the audience jumping up and down, screaming in support, and wearing a T-shirt with his face on it.

The 36-year-old tweeted: My sweet mum is in a critical condition in hospital after a severe fall. I feel sick to my core and devastated.

Please pray for her, I know shed appreciate it. Her name is Angela.

Roberts issued a public plea for prayers (Picture: Twitter)

Fans responded swiftly with their support for Roberts and his mum.



Dear Angela our thoughts and prayers are with you. Rhydian stay strong for her, one wrote.

Another wrote: Oh Rhydian, so shocked and sorry to read this. Sending much love to you all xx.

Angela is in my prayers – that she will be looked after and be given the emotional strength she will require over the next while, a a fan wrote.

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His musical peers also sent their well wishes to Roberts and Angela.

Singer and actor Brenda Edwards commented on the tweet with the prayer emoji.

So sorry babe!! Sending all my love to you and Angela, wrote actor Dani Harmer.

When Roberts took out second place behind Leon Kennedy in 2007 his mum, who is the director of the Crossroads Caring for Carers charity in Cardiff, came to his defence: We are just asking the nation to let it go and move on. The competition is over.

We give our very best to Leon as a family and look forward to Rhydians own career developing as it should.

Roberts, who was known for his trademark white hair and flamboyant dress style, went on to release five albums as well as appear in a number of television series including, Rhydian, One Year On.

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