"I shouldn't have responded the way I did, I feel bad. But as soon as they went childish, I went childish back. I gave as good as I got."

Jess said she is disappointed the drama overshadowed Kim and Suong's hospitality, but what happened happened.

"At the end of the day, it's water under the bridge for us," she said. "Production were backed into a corner… they handled it really well.

"We're in a good place now. We hope people can now just enjoy the show for what it is. At the end of the day, we walked away from it relatively unscathed. We're over it. We want to move on."

MKR contestant Jess opens up about the torment dished out by Sonya and Hadil.

Photo: Seven

On Wednesday, Sonya and Hadil took to social media to defend themselves. Fairfax Media has reached out to the pair via Channel Seven, but has been told they are refusing interview requests.

"Only a complete fool makes accusations based on what another person has told them," they wrote on their joint Instagram page. "Don't assume everything you hear is true, and never accuse without knowing all the facts or both sides of the story.

"The best option is to stay silent if you dn't witness something yourself."

Fellow My Kitchen Rules contestant Kim, from Melbourne, previously told Fairfax Media people shouldn't blame the producers' edits.

"If you said it, you said it," she said.