A reader imagines a best case scenario where all the Xbox One’s exclusives turn out to be classics, including Sea Of Thieves and Crackdown 3.
By anyone’s measure Microsoft has had a very anaemic looking line-up of exclusives. They started off strong, with the PlayStation 4 being the machine with a lack of exclusive titles. But Sony’s larger collection of in-house and Japanese developers allowed them to pull ahead, and are likely to continue leading the pack in terms of the quantity of exclusive titles for the rest of this generation.
However, I do wonder what people would think if this year everything went to plan for Microsoft?
So let us evaluate what could happen.
Sea Of Thieves
This looks to be a good game by anyone’s measure and I doubt it will be lower than 85% on Metacritic. But let’s work on the assumption that it’s something special, that Rare pull it off and we have a true peerless classic 10/10. I’m not personally convinced that this will happen but it’s still possible.
There is scope for this game to live up to its promise and be a hugely entertaining game, it certainly has a British charm that will win it many fans. And from the interviews recently on GameCentral they are making the right noises and they seem to have a clear vision to make this game everything it could be. I will truly be very disappointed if this game isn’t great.
Crackdown 3
If the status of Sea Of Thieves is wishful thinking this one is a complete fantasy. Imagine if this game finally taps into the potential of the original. Crackdown was a very entertaining spiritual successor to Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Unfortunately, Crackdown 1 was a very bare bones game, a typical launch era title, there was a great deal of fun to be had but the experience was ultimately a hollow one, for me a solid 7/10 game.
But if 3 gets the single-player the original should have had, offering a nice varied experience with the freedom to take down gangs as you see fit and a nice variety of side missions/tasks, this will be enough to make this a nice 8/10 game. Then there is the cloud-based multiplayer. If this creates something never seen before in the multiplayer landscape we could be looking at another 10/10 game.
Personally, I think the cloud-based destruction will end up being a bit of a damp squib and the single-player will still squander the set-up the original provided but I so want to be wrong.
Ori And The Will Of The Wisps
This just needs to slightly improves everything in the original to make this a gem of a game. This should be a given and I don’t see this being anything other than a 9/10 as long as they turn the difficulty down a notch.
State Of Decay 2
Could become the next standout multiplayer… OK, this is clutching at straws. The most we can realistically hope for is this cleans up all the technical issue of the original and it becomes a solid 6/10 game.
So in our alternate reality where all this plays out perfectly we are suddenly in a situation where Microsoft are doing a Nintendo, producing a small number of very high quality games that draw attention away from a lack of titles. To be honest, as long as the first three live up to their full potential out of nowhere Microsoft will have a killer line-up. But I wonder if even then people would give them the same pass that Nintendo get?
I often think that we are guilty of giving Nintendo a free ride because their games are so good. The Switch already seems like a must-have machine, not because of quantity but because of quality.
If Nintendo made 7/10 games the Switch would be a disaster. But Nintendo learnt long ago that quality wins them long term hardcore fans. Their release schedule has always been sparse but you know that they are only a year or two away from releasing an unmissable game, and that makes their hardware appealing.
The inconvenient truth for Microsoft is that it is no Nintendo and that two of the above games are likely to be average, and so it’s not a situation we will ever find ourselves in.
By reader irve77 (gamertag/PSN ID)
The reader’s feature does not necessarily represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.
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