One of the weirdest video games ever made gets a sequel, as the creator of killer7 and Lollipop Chainsaw returns to gaming.
It feels like ages since we’ve heard anything from Goichi ‘Suda51’ Suda. The underappreciated Let It Die was only two years ago, but it seems much longer than that since he was acclaimed as the daring auteur behind such bizarre titles as killer7, No More Heroes, and Lollipop Chainsaw. It was at the beginning of this period that he created The Silver Case for the original PlayStation, a surreal visual novel inspired by, amongst other things, film noir and the work of Jean-Luc Godard. It was stranger than you can possibly imagine, and this is its sequel.
The original Silver Case was remastered for both PC and PlayStation 4 a few years ago, and to be honest you really would be advised to play that first before tackling this follow-up. You’ll still have trouble understanding what’s going on, but at least it won’t be because you don’t recognise some of the returning characters.
Although The 25th Ward was originally released in Japan as a mobile game in 2005 it’s no longer available there and has never been released in the West before. So given how long ago that is this is a complete remake, rather than just a remaster. The game is a visual novel – a common genre in Japan, of which the best known examples in the West are probably the Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, and Danganronpa series. But if you thought they were odd, you haven’t seen anything yet…
The 25th Ward is set in a gated community in Japan, where its residents are hand-picked to ensure they never commit any crime, from littering to murder. As you can imagine this doesn’t work at all, but the real purpose behind the ward is all part of a vast conspiracy that is slowly revealed over the course of the game – or not if you fail to pay attention.
The game’s story is split into three distinct chapters, and has you following a team from the improperly-named Heinous Crimes Unit, an amnesiac reporter from the first game, and a pair of secret agents. Suda51 only personally wrote one of the chapters and it’s actually the weakest of them, at least in terms of the awkwardly translated dialogue and frequently pointless diversions.
Even though they’re entirely different games we were reminded of the ragged nonsensicality of Killer Is Dead, whose surreal-for-the-sake-of-it attitude quickly began to feel like self-parody. The other two chapters are much better though, with more coherent storytelling that’s able to explore the game’s central themes of how and why people choose to break a society’s rules.
Despite all the surreal imagery and non sequitur dialogue there are serious points being made, it just takes some effort from you, as the player, to figure out exactly what the game’s trying to say.
Even if you’ve never played one before the term visual novel is pretty self-explanatory, and as you’d expect The 25th Word plays out as a series of mostly still images with lots of text to read through. The closest Western equivalent would be an adventure game and most of the ones that do get released here, including The Silver Case, do vaguely resemble old school point ‘n’ clickers.
The original mobile version of The 25th Ward involved memorising and typing in numbers to solve puzzles, and that still happens a lot in the remake – via an irritating dice-like interface that is so annoying to use we’re convinced it’s that way on purpose. There are more unique obstacles but, really, the gameplay is by far the least interesting thing about the game.
Instead, the real appeal is the presentation and the ideas at play. Not to mention the game’s flat refusal to toe any kind of conventional line in terms of video games or even basic storytelling. The 25th Ward isn’t pretentious or elitist though. Suda51’s obsession with wrestling, retro games, and low brow humour permeate not just his chapter but the whole of the game. To the point where there are 100 different endings, many of which are just dumb jokes or non-canon tie-ins to his other games.
As we’ve probably mentioned by now The 25th Ward is a very, very strange game, and one it’s almost impossible to know how to recommend. It’s not particularly well made and the dialogue can be so rough at times that it takes a real act of willpower to keep going. But then you get to a point where Suda51’s knack for fourth wall-breaking existentialism makes you realise there is actually method in his madness and that the game has something genuinely interesting to say.
Especially compared to something like Lollipop Chainsaw though this is not exactly his most accessible work, although the constantly changing art styles and unpredictable synth soundtrack do provide some welcome distractions for your eyes and ears. Whether that’s enough for your brain to get through the game unscathed is difficult to say, but we’d say it’s worth taking the chance.
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
In Short: As fearlessly unconventional as the rest of Suda51’s work, but even existing fans will have trouble deciphering the hidden depths beneath the surface level of surrealism.
Pros: The art, presentation, and music are all excellent, despite the lack of interactivity. Some heady themes are at the root of the storytelling and most of it does make sense eventually.
Cons: The dialogue is frequently poor and most puzzles are both irritating and uninteresting. Piecing together the whole story is near impossible, especially if you haven’t played the first game.
Score: 6/10
Formats: PlayStation 4 (reviewed) and PC
Price: £24.99
Publisher: NIS America
Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
Release Date: 16th March 2018
Age Rating: 16
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