The evening Inbox thinks more shooters should use motion-controlled aiming, as one reader asks for help creating a portable PS4.
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Visual match
I’ve just been watching the new footage of the Tomb Raider movie and dare I say it, but it actually looks quite good? Alicia Vikander really looks the part and she’s a good actress (you should all see Ex Machina!) so I think side of it is actually going to be good. Not sure about anything else though, since has been pointed out Tomb Raider doesn’t really have that great of stories so if this is following everything else as closely as the reboot that doesn’t bode too well.
I hope it does well though, as I’ve always enjoyed the series and think all the modern ones have been better than Uncharted.
But at the same time as I saw that I read news that a live action Sonic The Hedgehog movie is coming out next year. I mean, really? Add that to the Super Mario one (which is at least CGI-only) and I just wonder what these Hollywood suits are thinking. They don’t seem to care how suitable a game is being a film, they just want the name and the logo. I mean, I don’t see how a Call Of Duty film is going to work either, considering the only character anyone can ever remember is Captain Price.
I can think of half a dozen games that would work, from Overwatch to Life Is Strange, but they never seem to go near something that actually has a detailed story and characters. I don’t know why they make things so hard for themselves.
Switch, I choose you!
I’ve tried to look into these start pokémon leaks some more and I really do think they could be real. I don’t know who’s leaking this stuff, or what Nintendo will do to them when they find out, but I think there’s a good chance that the Pokémon game for the Switch really is a brand new sequel. If that’s the case then Nintendo are going to need a new money bin and all those worries about the Switch’s 2018 line-up are over.
I just hope that the game is actually a proper 3D adventure made for the Switch and not something that’s made to be ported down to the 3DS. I have a hard time believing Nintendo would be willing to leave money on the table by not having kids with only a 3DS being able to buy the new Pokémon game.
We’ll just have to wait and see, but if this ends up being the game that fans have been dreaming about for years then the Switch could be about to go next level.
Need for remake
Interesting to see EA remaster Burnout Paradise, especially the timing with Need For Speed Payback not being very good. I only wish it was Burnout 3 Takedown or I’d even take Burnout Revenge instead, and I would be all over it then.
I never got on with the open world aspect of Burnout Paradise, the game seems to be popular but I would much prefer to get straight into a race from the menu or other event and surely I can’t be alone in this. Anytime I see a racing game which is open world rather than getting straight to racing I have to think twice.
I wonder if EA has considered remaking a Need For Speed game from back when it was one of the biggest-selling games, surely that would make sense for the series, then go from there. The first Need For Speed I really enjoyed was Most Wanted (2005 version, found the later one awful) but it went downhill from there for me. Maybe it’s just a one-off that I liked a Need For Speed game a lot
PS: I would like to invoke some Inbox magic to get that Age Of Empires: Definitive Edition on Xbox One. Or any version for that matter, I know the common reason is using a controller is an issue but I’ve enjoyed games like Supreme Commander and Command & Conquer this way, so can’t see why a version isn’t brought across. Especially with the first party game situation at Microsoft, surely this would be a no-brainer.
GC: As you mention yourself, there have been remakes of Need For Speed games before – or at least games using the same name as previous titles. Although we’re still surprised they never tried to resurrect the Underground name. Age Of Empires: Definitive Edition on a controller sounds like hell to us, but there’s probably a reasonable chance Age Of Empires IV will also be on Xbox One.
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United in hate
As someone that does enjoy Dynasty Warriors I would have to say that yes, even I don’t think the new one is any good. I know the series isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it does have a following in the West and I have always disagreed with GC’s previous reviews, even if I do understand where they’re coming from.
However, with Dynasty Warriors 9 I think I probably hate it even more than them. It basically rips out everything that’s great about the series (the big battles, duh!) and turns it into this weird empty open world where the missions play out like some PSP spin-off.
I appreciate Omega Team trying something new but for me this is not Dynasty Warriors, and it’s not fun either. I don’t what they’re going to try and do to turn things around but I know I wouldn’t by any new spin-offs that used this formula unless there was a promise that things would be very different.
PlayStation portable
A question to GameCentral (and the readers) about portable screens for consoles… I’ve been looking to detach a PlayStation 4 from the big TV and have noticed a few portable gaming monitors on Amazon and eBay that could do the job. Specifically one from a company called ‘G STORY’ that can attach to the console itself (11.6 inch full HD). Has anyone used it?
It looks like an interesting set up for moving the PlayStation 4 around the house, turning it into a very chunky laptop. Or just any tips for setting up for console gaming this way? The screens are quite expensive, well over the cost of a small (21 inch) HD monitor or TV, so wondered if it was worth it.
GC: We’ve never used anything like that, but hopefully a reader has.
Seeking closure
I’m still a little disappointed Dark Souls will be a remaster and not a remake.
I’ve no doubt it’ll look and play great, like other remasters this gen like The Last of Us. It’s just that graphics have moved on a little since then with the likes of Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, and the recent Shadow Of The Colossus remake. Whilst still looking great those last gen remasters are starting to feel a little flat in comparison. It would of been great to play Dark Souls with that extra level of texture modern graphics bring.
Still can’t wait though. Having not played Demon’s Souls or the Dark Souls III DLC The Ringed City I’m planning an ambitious Platinum Trophy play through of the four Souls games and Bloodborne. Then I think it’ll been time to put the SoulsBorne games to bed and eagerly await From’s next game in a similar vein.
I want to go into that game completely blind, so will endeavour not to read or watch anything about it. From Software have more than earned the good faith that it’ll be worth a day one purchase.
Simundo Jones
Motion in favour
Just a quick PSA for anyone with Doom for Switch, a new patch has been released that allows for gyroscopic aiming.
I haven’t tried it personally, as I played a ton on PlayStation 4, but I imagine it’d be well suited to the twitchy gameplay and I really hope Bethesda implement it when they release Wolfenstein II.
PS: Has anyone tried L.A. Noire’s controls? I’ve no real interest in Splatoon but I’d love to try pointer shooting.
GC: We wish they’d do it with PlayStation 4 games as well, it makes aiming so much more accurate.
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
Spacecraft identified
Just another shout-out to Christopher Nichol who let me know that the toy I was thinking of was the Manta Force Bog Rocket. It’s a wonderfully grotesque looking vehicle, commanded by a chap called Stinkhorn – who I guess pongs a bit.
When I said Max Skull, I was actually thinking of Mighty Max – which got a fairly decent cartoon adaptation. I remember the mother character being quite good and unusually (for the time), she was raising Max alone.
Mighty Max probably got a video game or two out of it but I doubt Manta Force did.
I think I have an inkling what DMR’s toy could be, at least from the first part of the description it sounds like it could be Manta Force. Lemme know if I’m right!
Inbox also-rans
RE: CyberO. SquareEnix announced some weeks ago that a reveal of the new Tomb Raider game will be very soon. I reckon they’ll re-release the Tomb Raider 2013 reboot alongside the new film’s cinema release next month, then Shadow Of The Tomb Raider alongside the new film’s DVD release in the autumn.
Jon Edwards
Elite Dangerous on PlayStation 4. I really want to like this game, I know it’s so good, so deep, BUT I can’t do it! It’s too hard, there’s too much to remember and the controls are too complicated! That is all.
Jenkster (PSN ID/NN ID)
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Gannet, who asks what do you think is the most overrated video game?
You don’t have to think the game is actively bad, just not as good as its reputation suggests. But do try and describe exactly why it didn’t live up to your expectations and what it got wrong. Was it just a good game that was hyped up too much, or do you feel it has flaws that were brushed over in reviews?
Was the problem that you were expecting it to be one thing and it turned out to be something completely different? Or was there some other personal preference that meant you couldn’t enjoy it?
E-mail your comments to: [email protected]
The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.
You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.
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