The "Dance Moms" star posted a photo of her on her Instagram account showing off the surgical scar on her back."One year ago today ~ I underwent emergency surgery for an infection in my spine," the captiion read. "This mass/tumor choking my spinal cord turned out to be Burkitt Lymphoma."Miller wrote that she "endured ten rounds of chemo therapy (each lasting 6 days with 4/ 24hr bags pumping poison into my body ending with a spinal tap in 3 spots, plus another shot of Chemo into my tailbone area up the spinal cord around my brain cavity)." The reality star had another spinal surgery and said she has one more to go."I struggled thru months of physical therapy to learn to sit up again, to crawl and maybe with a miracle someday I'll walk," Miller wrote. She also blasted some of the doctors who treated her, she said, ineffectively. "Why didn't the ER Doctors on duty do their jobs? I came in twice with the same symptoms?," she wrote. "Why didn't somebody listen to me, the patient? I finally found the right team that's why I lived to tell my story."Miller said she had a great deal to say about what happened. and thanked the "wonderful top notch professionals who continue to help me heal.""For those who missed it, misdiagnosed me, and the so called Federal "Doctor" who took me off medication cold turkey and the other ER "Doctor Hollywood" who told me to go home and take it easy for 10 days – STOP practicing!," she wrote. "Please." Last year Miller's doctor Read More – Source
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