Where is Xur? Destiny 2 Forsaken Exotics and Location for Agent of the Nine on April 5 (Pic: BUNGIE)
Where is Xur today? That's the question all Destiny 2 Guardians will be asking, once again hoping he's bringing some new exotic Forsaken gear to get your hands on.
So if you're not planning on playing The Division 2 new update, at least you've got old squid face Xur returning later today to keep you company.
When the Agent of the Nine does return he won't outstay his welcome, selling exotics between 5th April until next Tuesday, 9th April.
Also, don't forget he's now offering up Forsaken exotics in his weekly stash of goodies, however, do note that Xur will still be selling Year 1 exotics too.
To quote the dev team from their original Sub-Reddit post:
"Xur is still the snake-faced bastard you remember from Destiny 1. He'll still have a rotation of items from various releases, meaning he won't always sell a Forsaken exotic."
Equally, it's worth noting that Fated Engrams WILL NOToffer Forsaken Exotics. At least, for now, Bungie says they are looking into this for a future update.
If you're looking for the mysterious tentacle-faced Destiny 2: Forsaken merchant this week, you won't find him just yet, so don't bother checking the Destiny Reddit page for info.
Following the changes to the game many months back it now means that the Agent of Nine will now arrive at 10am PST, 1pm EST, 5pm GMT, 7pm CET.
When Xur does appear, it'll be even harder to find him, due to some updates to the game following the launch of Destiny 2 Forsaken.
Moving forward:
- Xur will no longer display a vendor icon on destination maps
- Xur will no longer be tied to Flashpoints
All this being said, it looks like Xur is still spawning in the exact same areas on Titan, Io, Nessus and the European Dead Zone. So it's not too difficult, it just takes a few minutes more to locate him. Equally, he appears to still be spawning in the Tower when the flashpoint is on Mercury or Mars.
Stick with us as we reveal where Xur can be found this week and what he's selling.
In the meantime, you can recap what Xur was selling last week, just below, as well as learn a little more about the Invitations of the Nine quests introduced last week.
What was Xur selling last week? March 29 – April 2nd
Last week Xur was selling the following stock, which Guardians could buy using their Legendary Shards:
• Sunshot – Hand Cannon – 29 Legendary Shards
• Foetracer – Helmet Armor – 23 Legendary Shards
• Sunbracers – Warlock Gauntlet Armor – 23 Legendary Shards
• Helm of Saint 14 – Helmet Armor – 23 Legendary Shards
Xur was also selling the Five of Swords (Nightfall Challenge Card) as well as the Fated Engram.
For those who don't recall, the power level of the items sold by Xur scales to reflect your Guardians power level.
Do note, however, that Xur stopped selling these items earlier this week on Tuesday when the Destiny 2 Reset removed Xur from the game.