The former "Sister, Sister" star welcomed her daughter on May 5 and announced it on social media."Feeling grateful and blessed as we welcome our little baby girl into the world!," said the caption on a photo showing Mowry cradling her baby. "Born May 5th at 10:29 am at 6 pounds and 4 Oz 19.8 inches. We are in heaven."She didn't share the baby's name.Mowry and husband Cory Hardrict announced in November that they were expecting their second child.They are also the parents of 6-year-old son Cree.These days, Mowry is the star of the Cooking Channel's "Tia Mowry at Home" and the author of the cookbook, "Whole New You: How Real Food Transforms Your Life, for a Healthier, More Gorgeous You."Expect to also see plenty of auntie pride from her twin, "The Real" co-host Tamera Mowry-Houseley, who excitedly shared her sister's baby news in November.

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly spelled Tia Mowry's name.

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