Many celebrities have taken to social media to express their concerns about the coronavirus outbreak and suggest precautionary measures.

Well, English supermodel Naomi Campbell has taken it several notches up. She posted a picture on her Instagram page of herself travelling in a full hazmat suit, complete with goggles, a surgical mask and pink rubber gloves.

Seen posing with her matching white suitcase at the airport, the 49-year-old wrote: "Safety First NEXT LEVEL".

A second picture is a selfie of herself bundled up in a suede sweater that she wore on top of the plastic hazmat suit.

In July 2019, she posted a video on her YouTube channel, which went viral. The video was filmed during her trip to Doha, Qatar, and showed her wiping down her seat area in the plane with disinfectant wipes while donning rubber gloves.

She then spread a bright pink seat cover on her seat, before finally settling down in her seat and covering her mRead More – Source

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