The "Beverly Hills 90210" star shared an update Sunday on her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. Doherty posted a series of photos on her verified Instagram account, including one with model Anne Marie Kortright and celebrity trainer Kira Stokes."After a year of dealing with cancer coming back and other stresses, I'm back at it," Doherty wrote in the caption. "Taking care of myself and embracing every day. It's not always easy."The actress also wrote that she has "days I'm depressed or just plain lazy.""But I push thru with the help of friends. @annemkortright has been relentless in getting me to hike and learning new ways to cook that feed my soul as well as my tummy but in a very healthy way," Doherty wrote.Doherty also credited Kortright with bringing Stokes in to help her work out."It's been a productive great week," Doherty wrote. "I feel better. My skin is alive and so am I."She revealed last month that her cancer had returned and has since said Read More – Source
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