The rapper shared the allegation Thursday during an Instagram Live on her verified account."You shot me," she said, addressing Lanez in her video. "And you got your publicist and your people going to these blogs lying and sh*t. Stop lying. Why lie? I don't understand."Megan Thee Stallion on Wednesday also posted, then deleted, a graphic photo of her wound. CNN has reached out for a response to reps for Lanez and to reps for Megan Thee Stallion for additional comment. CNN asked Lanez's publicist specifically about the allegation by Megan Thee Stallion that she has been lying. Lanez, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, was arrested and charged at the time with possession of a concealed weapon but has not been charged in connection with the alleged shooting.He has not commented publicly on Megan Thee Stallion's allegations. The investigation is ongoing, Los Angeles District Attorney's office spokesman Ricardo Santiago told CNN on Friday."On July 24, our office asked law enforcement for further investigation before making a filing decision on a charge of felony assault with a semiautomatic firearm — personal use of a firearm, against Daystar Peterson," he said.Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Officer William Cooper told CNN on Friday: "At this point I have not received any new information from the officers regarding the investigation."
Police responded to a shots-fired call, they say
The incident has been buzzed about for weeks, with Megan Thee Stallion on social media talking about the "super scary" shooting and thanking her fans for their support.But until Thursday, the artist, who is enjoying chart-topping success with fellow rapper Cardi B for their single "WAP," had not named the person she says shot her.The "Savage" star explained she was in a car in a Los Angeles neighborhood in July with a friend, Lanez, and a member of his security team when an argument ensued.Megan Thee Stallion alleges she had gotten out of the car and started walking — since they were not far from a house where she was staying — when Lanez shot her in both feet.In the weeks leading up to the incident, the pair had been seen frequently hanging out together, per their respective social media accounts.Los Angeles Police Department officers from the Hollywood Division responded to a call regarding shots fired at around 4:30 a.m. on July 12 in the 1800 block of Nichols Canyon Road, the agency said in a July 15 news release.Witnesses provided a description of the suspect or suspects and their vehicle, and responding officers spotted a vehicle matching that description, police said.A traffic stop was conducted and several people were detained, they said.Following their investigation, police arrested Lanez and charged him with having a concealed firearm in a vehicle, the news release states. The singer/rapper was booked into Hollywood Jail and bonded out later in the day, police said. PoliRead More – Source
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