Madden 19 MOST FEARED Reveal: NFL Halloween Release Date, Time, Ratings and Mobile Updates (Pic: EA SPORTS)
Madden 19 and Madden Mobile looks set to receive a HUGE Halloween update in the coming days, as the games Most Feared Ultimate Team event and players look set to return.
A new advert on Gamespot has also teased a the new Most Feared event in a new advert featuring former Detroit Lions wide receiver Calvin Johnson – aka MEGATRON.
We suspect that Metatron could be the reward for players who collect all of the MUT Most Feared players together in a single set, just as players have done in past years with the likes of Most Feared cards for Tony Gonzales and Brian Urlacher.
That said, it's not immediately clearwhat EA Sports will be planning for the event.
Last year the event went for Players who were "scary strong" and those who were "scary tall".
So it would be interesting to see if they stick to the same idea or something new.
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Madden 19 Most Feared Release Date
At the time of writing EA Sports and the official Madden Twitter account have not confirmed the release date for the new Madden 19 Most Feared event.
But it's likely going to be announced tomorrow or Friday, October 19.
Last year the Twitter account had headers which effectively teased the event but this year we've seen nothing.
Although, according to several EA Game Changers, the event is expected to begin Friday.
Based on past events we suspect that Most Feared should launch simultaneously for console players on PS4, Xbox One, PC.
Likewise, Madden 19 Mobile Overdrive players are also expected to get the update at the same time as well.
What to expect from Madden 19 Most Feared
As mentioned, with little to no information for the time being it's impossible to say 100% for certain what EA Sports could be planning for the event.
However, a quick look at last years event should give us some idea of the direction it could take.
For example, it seems nailed on that just like the FIFA Ultimate Scream Events, there will be special players with boosted stats who will transform over the Halloween weekend with even better stats.
In the case of past years, Elites players morphed to 95 OVR, golds morphed to 92 OVR, and silvers morphed to 90 OVR. And we suspect something similar will occur with Madden this year
Madden NFL 19 (Xbox One)
Madden 19 Mobile
Ahead of release a couple of YouTubers part of the EA Game Changers program have had the chance to preview the new game features.
We've grabbed one of these vids we spotted on the excellent Muthead.com Forums and we'd suggest giving it a watch to get a close look at some of the cool new content coming to the game.
Although, as the video suggests, "The event is still subject to change". So keep in mind that this is the way the event looked during the preview but could change before release.
From the looks of things though, the event this year is taking on something of a b-movie horror theme and it looks pretty excellent.
Have a watch on the video below, but keep reading for the main details we know so far which you'll want to know before the event starts.
Most Feared Events
As mentioned, there's something of a B-Movie feel this year and there's three 'Movie Events' to select (take a peek below).
According to one EA Game Changer, you only have to win each one of these entry events once, to open up each theater (and subsequent event chain/path).
Doing so allows you the opportunity to earn the Most Feared players listed below.
But there's also so much more to unpack, we certainly suggest following the link to take a closer look: Most Feared Mobile Preview
Movie (Event) Select Screen – Note that you only have to win each one of these entry events once, to get into each theater (event chain/path). These events are super easy.
Event Masters
Derek Wolfe
- Position – DE
- OVR – 89, 90, 91, 92
- Notes – Werewolfe Master
Aaron Rodgers
- Position – QB
- OVR – 89, 90, 91, 92
- Notes – Vampire Master (Spread)
Pharoh Cooper
- Position – WR
- OVR – 89, 90, 91, 92
- Notes – Mummy Master (West Coast)
Rob Gronkowski
- Position – TE
- OVR – 89, 90, 91, 92
- Notes – Gronkenstein Master (Vertical)
Derek Wolfe
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