Josh Gad pledges to 'make it my life's goal' to rally against gun crime in America
Actor Josh Gad has been personally affected by the shooting (Picture: REUTERS)

American actor Josh Gad has written an extensive and heart-felt message online following the death of his friend’s son in the Florida shooting.

The star has pledged he’ll ‘make it my life’s goal’ not to support politicians who take donations from ‘NRA money’. The NRA stands for the National Rifle Association.

Josh said he’ll ‘vote for every single person who challenges a politician with NRA money behind them’ as he insisted that ‘all of us in our hearts know that something is terribly wrong with the weekly rate of these incidents’.

Josh voiced Olaf in Frozen and starred in the recent Beauty And The Beast remake with Emma Watson.

A personal friend of Josh’s lost his son as a result of the Florida shooting. Josh said in a post on Twitter: ‘My grief for this family and the many others knows no bounds. I’m so sorry this happened. I’m so sorry our leaders are worthless. I’m so sorry we are bound to repeat this again.’

1) Thread – I have said everything I care to say about the massacre in FL. I have walked the halls of Stoneman Douglass. I directly know a person trying to pick up the shattered pieces of his life now. I call this community my own.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

2) I think all of us know in our hearts something is terribly wrong with the weekly rate of these incidents. I will not lecture any of you on what to believe of how to respond. I will only tell you what I am going to do.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

3) I am going to make it my life’s goal to support and vote for every single person who challenges a politician with NRA money behind them.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

4) I am going to make sure that I read and educate myself as to why certain people refuse to do anything that resembles sensible gun laws and make sure they face early retirement.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

5) I am going to be here as a voice of reason and walk proudly and tall through the echoing winds of madness as we continue to demand action in a familiar sea of inaction.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

6) And finally I am going to remember the 17 dead, the many injured, and the thousands of others who have senselessly lost their lives to gun violence and I am going to fight in their name so that other parents and siblings never have to expiereince such trauma.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

7) That is what I’m going to do. The question is…what are you going to do?

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

The actor, also famous for appearances in ER, Modern Family and on Broadway for playing Elder Arnold Cunningham in The Book Of Mormon, finished his run of tweets by asking his readers and fans to take action.

He said: ‘This is what I’m going to do. The question is…what are you going to do?’

Only one day earlier, the Beauty and the Beast star took to Twitter on Thursday to share the news that his friend’s son had been shot.

He called for strict reform to the gun laws after 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz killed and maimed his former classmates on Valentine’s Day.

‘I am so angry tonight. I am so sad,’ 36-year-old Josh began. ‘I’m putting my phone down because we are debating sensible gun laws again. ‘A child of one of our friend’s has a bullet in his chest & is critical condition because a 19 year old had access to a military weapon. Pretend it’s normal. It’s not.’

I am so angry tonight. I am so sad. I’m putting my phone down because we are debating sensible gun laws again. A child of one of our friend’s has a bullet in his chest & is critical condition because a 19 year old had access to a military weapon. Pretend it’s normal. It’s not.

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 15, 2018

He followed up the initial message three hours later with a political message: ‘As a Floridian, please let me be among the masses to tell you, you are a spineless coward @marcorubio and I hope your 3.3 million dollars in NRA funding comes with ear plugs that allow you to tune out the mourning cries of children and parents everywhere.’

MORE: Josh Gad reveals family friend ‘in critical condition’ as 17 die in Florida shooting: ‘I’m so angry’

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