The country singer only entered her orbit when he got a job as a coach on NBC's singing contest, "The Voice," she says."I didn't even know he existed before the show," Stefani, who returns to the show this season as a coach, told Andy Cohen on his SiriusXM "Radio Andy" show. "I didn't even know that he was a human being on this planet."Stefani loves that the two come from very different worlds, musically and in real life, she said."It's crazy. I mean, now it's normal," she said. "I've accepted that he's a true hillbilly and all those things""I just love that we're from different genres," she added.As for working together, Stefani said she didn't know what to expect. (The two join Kelly Clarkson and John Legend as coaches.)"I thought it was gonna be (extra) this time because I feel like we're so far into the relationship and it'd been such a long time since I'd been on the show and I didn't know how we would be just us and competing," she said. The former No Doubt frontwoman won't be nervous working or singing in front of the country star, although at one point she was, she said. "When we first met, we had written a song together called, 'Go Ahead and Break My Heart,'" she said of their 2016 hit. "I remember he came over, we were going to practice it for the first time. I mean, we had hardly, barely even hung out. I think I sweated through my entiRead More – Source
Gwen Stefani had no clue who boyfriend Blake Shelton was before ‘The Voice’
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