GameCentral readers vote for their favourite video games of 2017, from Resident Evil 7 to Call Of Duty: WWII.
Every year, at the end of January, we ask readers to vote for their favourite games of the previous year. But as we well know from creating our own top 20, that is an extremely difficult thing to do considering what an amazing 12 months 2017 was for video games.
The poll worked in the same way as usual though, with everyone voting for their top three titles so we could tally up a top 20. But because 2017 was such a special year we had far more people writing in than ever before – so many that we’ll do a part 3 to this Hot Topic next week, just to so we get a chance to show everyone’s letters.
And while the number one title may seem like a forgone conclusion it was actually closer than you might think, with Nintendo’s two juggernauts swapping places at various points in the voting process. Horizon Zero Dawn was relatively close behind too, and well ahead of the rest of the pack…
Readers' Top 20 – 2017
1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild (Wii U/NS)
2. Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
3. Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
4. Persona 5 (PS4/PS3)
5. Resident Evil 7 (XO/PS4/PC)
6. Yakuza 0 (PS4)
7. Wolfenstein II (XO/PS4/PC)
8. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (NS)
9. What Remains Of Edith Finch (PS4/PC)
10. Cuphead (XO/PC)
11. Nioh (PS4/PC)
12. NieR: Automata (PS4/PC)
13. Splatoon 2 (NS)
14. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (NS)
15. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm (XO/PS4/PC)
16. Call Of Duty: WWII (XO/PS4/PC)
17. Thimbleweed Park (XO/PS4/NS/PC/iOS/Android)
18. Polybius (PS4)
19. Total War: Warhammer II (PC)
20. PlayerUnknown’s Battelgrounds (XO/PC)
Standing applause
My top three games of 2017 are:
3. Destiny 2 – I know, probably not one of the best games of 2017, but it makes it onto my list because it’s the game that gave me one of my best gaming moments of the year, in the raid with my clan, finally beating the gauntlet after about favour hours of trying! This was my social game of the year, and we had a lot of fun.
2. Persona 5 – This goes on my list, and until Christmas would have made it to number one. This is the Japanese role-playing game I’d been waiting for, with a great soundtrack, achingly cool visual style, and a crazy story that really kept me interested for all those hours.
1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild – This was the game that made me write in with this list. Your suggestion in the Inbox that not too many had chosen Breath Of The Wild as their number one convinced me I had to put my votes in, as this is now probably my favourite game of all time, let alone of 2017. The possibilities offered by the Switch have probably added to it as well for me, but I had a moment in this game the other day that really summed up my feelings.
I was in a snowy mountain region, and was faced with massive stone doors in a cliff face. I knew there was a shrine behind those doors, and so went about experimenting with my abilities to see which one would open the way. Having been frustrated I considered leaving, but just then, a thought occurred. Surely rolling a rock down the snowy mountain leading down to the doors would result in a growing snowball that would smash the doors through… I felt like standing up and applauding, not for myself for figuring it out, but for the makers of the game for creating a masterpiece where moments like this are possible.
BestJonnyT (gamertag/PSN ID)/SW-0564-6567-5890
I felt Nintendo pretty much dominated the videogame industry in 2017, there were a few quality games by other companies, but they weren’t really in the same league. Judging by the exclusives announced for this year it seems Sony are in pole position, but we’ll see how that turns out in the next 11 months… Rockstar might snatch the title with one game.
1. Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
This was a reimagining of Hyrule and it was quite literally breathtaking, from the moment you left the tomb to defeating Calamity Ganon. I went almost the whole game avoiding Lynels, but to my shock was confronted with one in the castle. I wanted the game to last as long as possible, luckily I injured my arm and had to stop playing for two months. A truly amazing game!
2. Super Mario Odyssey
I have to admit I have a soft spot for Mario, he has the most enjoyable moveset of any character in video games. All the kingdoms were fun to explore, although I found collecting moons less satisfying than the stars of past games. Still, I would rate this as the second best of 2017.
3. Splatoon 2
When Nintendo made the original it was great to see them release a game that looked as if it was made in Japan. The sequel is everything I loved about the original plus much more. it’s not radically different, but if it was I’m sure some gamers would be complaining that they’ve totally changed the game.
Mr Spacefoxy
Single-player 4 lyfe
1. Horizon Zero Dawn. To me this is why I love the single-player game, with a decent length story to follow and no multiplayer cheapening it all. An interesting story with great characters, with realistically emotional personalities. The graphical power is just incredible and the dynamic lighting is sublime. And with the unique enemies and other types of lifeforms, this alien world is like an alternative way of viewing an advance culture of Native Americans, or some other tribal type culture which went steampunk in their own way but obviously named something appropriately regarding the type of power source this world uses. Gameplay mechanics is clever and addictive, and with great sound and use of music a perfect game more or less.
2. Thimbleweed Park. A nostalgic trip back to the nineties, when these games were the best things out there, and with a clever and original story and weird puzzles to solve in a surreal environment. It really is a mix of Twin Peaks, The X-Files, and Monkey Island. The characters are again great, and the gameplay mechanics are great but importantly suit the type and style of the game. The old school graphics hit the nail on the head and the right game length to play, and at no point is there a dull moment. To be honest this game is a dream come true and deserves to do well and hopefully another game like it will come along.
3. Resident Evil 7. At last a Resi game which finally hits the nail on the head in what we want in a survival horror, and not the third person shooters with hardly any scares worth talking about that we got over the last few years. Gobsmacking graphics and a killer atmosphere, with so much emphasis on the build up of tension whilst going through this very disturbing world. It was such a thrill keeping stealthy and exploring every nook and cranny, looking for clues and piecing everything together, which was what I missed about the originals when the post Resi 4 games appeared.
If they keep making Resident Evil like this then the series’ reputation can be cemented and this important game will be held in high regard as the start of getting back to decent survival horror and no cheapening of them. Before Resi 7 the indie games owned the survival horror, but who knows if this trend can now get some inspirational ideas coming from some triple-A game making companies. That would be pretty cool in my book.
E-mail your comments to: [email protected]
A real treat
My top three for 2017 were:
3) Nioh. Though it borrowed heavily from the Souls series it had great of ideas of its own and it executed them perfectly. The combat was brilliant and how the magic/buff system worked complimented it beautifully. The setting and the art style was great, too. A real return to form for Team Ninja and when the only complaint is that it was a bit too long, it’s got to be good.
2) Persona 5. It was smart, sad, funny, and just a bit weird. All the things you’d expect from the Persona series really, but it did it with style and a charm that’s missing from most games. I cared about the characters and their stories, and the game was never afraid to tackle some difficult issues. Also, the soundtrack was amazing and had some of the best J-pop songs ever heard in games on it.
1) Horizon Zero Dawn. I think Horizon is one of those games that combined its story, gameplay, design, sound, and breathtaking graphics to make it much more than the sum of its parts. Mainly, though, I thought it was fun. Becoming a better hunter and using the various weapons to take down the monsters never got old for me. I genuinely didn’t want the game to end. Freed from Killzone’s browns and greys, Guerrilla outdid themselves.
2017, and in particular the first six months of the year, was so good though I could have picked a lot more. I’d go so far as to say it was the best year ever for games. Every format had great games and there was even a console launch that went spectacularly well to boot. If 2018 is half as good as 2017 we’ll be in for a treat.
andy_b720 (PSN ID)
Rise and fall
Well, 2017 was some year for gaming. Lots of quality titles, the release of the Nintendo Switch and Microsoft’s Xbox One X, and the rise, and hopefully fall, of loot boxes and microtransactions.
My three favourite games of last year were all from Nintendo, who had an outstanding year, with the Switch being a great success, along with some fantastic games. Splatoon 2 upped the ante from the original, with new modes and more content like Salmon Run that added to an already great game. The shooter was similar to the first, with some maps being re-used in the sequel, but the series deserves a bigger audience, and on the Switch hopefully Splatoon will get that. Spraying the levels with ink to win a turf war was a great idea that is a lot of fun, and Splatoon 2 was easily my favourite multiplayer game of 2017.
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild was also a fantastic game, with a huge map to explore, and lots of hidden secrets and quests. When your weapons break, it forces you to improvise and use whatever you have to hand. In fact, improvisation plays a big part in the game, as you have to try different things to help you navigate and survive in the world of Hyrule. It was also stunning to look at, with a beautiful art style, and at times you had to just stop and take in the beautiful vista in front of you.
Super Mario Odyssey is easily on par with Breath Of The Wild, and it’s difficult to say which game I enjoyed best. It’s a wildly creative game with Mario able to possess loads of different enemies in the game, which puts an interesting spin on the Mario format, and is similar in a way to Breath Of The Wild, in that you need to improvise and experiment to make your way through the levels, or find some illusive moons. With plenty of hidden areas and secrets to find Odyssey is packed with content that will keep you coming back for more.
2017 has seen Nintendo at their creative peak, and hopefully 2018 will see them spring some more surprises like Labo, which looks like a lot of fun for the kids (and big kids of course!). I have to give a shout out to Horizon Zero Dawn, which was close to getting into my top three in place of Splatoon 2. It was a beautifully crafted game with a stunning world to explore, and it had robot dinosaurs in it!
Cubes (PSN ID)/SW-3654-9259-0500/Kevin M
Just play it
I think 2017 was the best year for gaming since 2007, with many great releases and especially the launch of the Switch, here are my top three.
1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. The only Zelda games I have played are this, Phantom Hourglass, The Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess, but out of those this Zelda is by far my favourite. From the very beginning it was just such a glorious adventure with so much to see and do, there was great freedom and even though the world was massive, I never felt overwhelmed by icons and repetitive quests which plague other open world games, even GTA. For a time it was a contender for my favourite game ever, but I hated the climbing when it was raining, I can’t see why they decided to make it that you kept slipping when it rained as it added nothing to the game other than frustration. I also thought the combat could have been better and the soundtrack, whilst good, wasn’t as memorable as other Zelda games.
2. Super Mario Odyssey. To be honest, I actually think this is the weakest of the 3D Mario games and I’m currently 300 moons in, I think I prefer the more structured level design of the other games. But that is not to say that Odyssey is still nothing short of a fantastic game. Cappy is a great mechanic and it looks beautiful on the Switch. It still produces Nintendo magic but for my money, just not as often as the likes of Galaxy.
3. Stories Untold. These days I enjoy games that are nice and short and this game fit the bill. Looking back on it, it reminds me of the TV series Black Mirror, so if you enjoy that show I would definitely recommend this game. It’s dark, unusual and thoroughly memorable in every way. To say too much more would spoil the game. PLAY IT!
Truk_Kurt (PSN ID)/trukkurt (Steam ID)/Angry_Kurt (Twitter)
Early indications
1. Leaving the Great Plateau for the first time I knew I had to head to a village. I asked a stranger on the road who said go between the two mountains and ask at the stables. This early on in Zelda: Breath Of The Wild I knew I was in for something special. There wasn’t an arrow telling me which way to go or an icon to head to. This made the world more real to me, however with Google Maps on our phones now, asking someone for directions is now more unrealistic than following waypoints on a map.
Breath Of The Wild had a distinct lack of hand-holding, no points of interest on the map to be hoovered up, just freedom to play and discover the world myself. It made every new discovery seem to be mine alone. Nintendo taking away so much but as a result adding so much more.
2. While Horizon Zero Dawn did stick to some of the open world tropes I bemoan above it did not stop me being fully immersed in Aloy’s beautifully realised world. The bow was such a versatile weapon, with each unique ammo type adding a tactical depth to each enemy encounter. Also, a robot T-Rex called Thunderjaw!
3. This was very nearly Edith Finch, but Life Is Strange: Before The Storm pips it as it was a follow up that didn’t add polygons, triple the open world size, or even change the gameplay – if anything it took gameplay away. What it did add to the first game was my understanding and empathy towards a character. I didn’t like Chloe in the first game. The sequel completely turned around my opinion of her and how Max had treated a grieving childhood friend. I don’t like Max now. It is something so unique to gaming, being able to live the life of someone different, walk in their shoes, but so few games take full advantage of this.
ThePowerFeeling (PSN ID)
Ecstasy of exploration
1. Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. There are few games that match the ecstasy of exploration and experimenting with your environment they way Breath Of The Wild does. The way the legitimately huge open world is packed full of secrets puts other AAA open world games to shame. Just when I thought I marked every location on the map, found every seed, got every armour upgrade, I set the slate to find treasure chests. Boy I was wrong. That thing lit up like a Christmas tree, putting me to shame at all the bomb-able walls and river beds hidden chests were lurking that I somehow missed out on the first 300 hours of the game. Guess I’ll have to spend another 100 hours finding every secret Hyrule has to offer. Amazing.
2. Total War: Warhammer II. With a mix of new factions and how the Vortex Campaign addresses many of the flaws of 4X strategy titles, makes this my favourite Total War since Medieval II. Plus, the Mortal Empires campaign was a wonderful reward to those who owned both games. Will be tough to see how they better this for part III.
3. Super Mario Odyssey. Is it my favourite Mario game? No, the way you practically trip over Power Moons on the way to the one you think are trying to get, thoroughly devalues the feeling of accomplishment when you best a challenge. The more I think about Odyssey though, the more Jump Up Superstar is stuck in my brain, not that I want it to leave mind you. It just about evens the experience out.
Mr Kiwi
Pure class
1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
3. Cuphead
I went back for another go on Zelda before Christmas and it still is awe inspiring and epic, but those phantom Ganon bosses just let it down a little for me. I know they were to keep the experience non-linear but for me I would of preferred more traditional dungeons. Hear me out, they’d still be divine beasts only with puzzles and bosses that need specific use of a certain weapon… mallet, hookshot, etc. but to keep it linear these weapons would be ‘phantom’ weapons that present themselves to the hero from 100 years ago upon entry to said beast, and would disappear back to their ghostly form upon completion… best of both worlds in my eyes, well maybe for the sequel.
Mario, on the other hand, is just pure class from start to finish. If I revisit that in a couple of months I may change my views on it, but for now ‘pure class’ Cuphead was a bit of a toss-up between that, Sonic Mania, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But Cuphead was the only one I wrote into yourselves raving about, so it had to be the lil’ cup and his friend Mugman… May well of been Wolfenstein III, but that is so far unplayed, as I did South park 1 and 2, Xenoblade and now am on Monster Hunter!
big boy bent (gamertag)
Top favourites
In a year as good as 2017, it’s tough to pick a top three. I’m glad GC asked for our three faves, rather than the three best. My faves are:
1. Stardew Valley
I read the review with some intrigue and some disinterest. The Harvest Moon games never quite clicked for me, but I’d always wanted to like them. I picked up Stardew Valley in a sale, loaded it up indifferently, then spent over a hundred happy scattered hours with it. It wrestled me from the excellent Horizon Zero Dawn and I never looked back. My girlfriend doesn’t play games; I suggested she’d like Stardew Valley. She also spent over a hundred hours on it. She’s had no desire to play any other games since, but that’s Stardew Valley – exceptional.
2. XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen
I loved XCOM, and I loved XCOM 2. I found the XCOM: Enemy Within expansion enjoyable, but wasn’t sure I needed to repeat the same replay experience with the sequel. However, I’d previously bought 2 DLC packs for the game and never used them (I wanted to reward a great game with more money). War Of The Chosen allowed me to roll all that extra content into another playthrough – my favourite XCOM experience yet.
3. Golf Story
There were a lot of contenders here. I had three in mind when I started typing this email and SteamWorld Heist and SteamWorld Dig 2 just tried to wrestle away the third spot – both highly deserving. This third spot is about charm. It’s not a quality I often consider in video games (often absent from them, and more so from their protagonists), but Golf Story spills over with it. It made me smile in a way few other games ever have. In ways, much of it is unremarkable; but then, so are my best friends. Still, they make me laugh, melt the stress away, and I feel fuzzier and warmer for having them in my life. Golf Story manages the same.
For me and for games, it’s been a great year.
Squinty McGee (Squinty_McGee – PSN ID [but now I live on Switch!])
Endings and beginnings
1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild – the perfect swansong for the Wii U and a stunning debut for the Switch, it was the outstanding game of last year and one of the best of all time. The interlinked systems and world design leant themselves to hours of joyful exploration, which easily eclipsed the main quest.
2. What Remains Of Edith Finch – a captivating story and the pinnacle of the walking simulator genre for me. Playing out snippets of the lives of the unfortunate Finch family has lingered long in the memory.
3. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – I loved The New Order, and it remains one of my games of the generation so far. This sequel, on reflection, couldn’t quite match the set pieces of the previous game, but it was still a constantly interesting, fun shooter with some interesting things to say. Not happy about the dog though.
Atypical, not abnormal
2017 was a ridiculous year for gaming. I’m having a hard time coming up with a top 10, let alone a top three! I do feel like I’ll be a little abnormal relative to everyone else here, but hey, that just shows how much breadth we really had!
#3 for me is Divinity: Original Sin II. I’m always a sucker for a huge world that I can really leave my mark on, and the fact that the combat in this game is so customisable and so fun really makes it shine. I’m only about 40 hours in so far, so I still have plenty to look forward to.
#2 is Etrian Odyssey V. This series has really hooked me over the last couple years, and I’m definitely among the fans who prefer one huge, interweaving dungeon, so that was a great start. Add on some rather unique classes and some incredible bosses, and I’m sold! Also, mapping that 6th station is an experience I won’t soon forget!
#1 was a complete surprise to me. I went in to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 completely blind, and I could not have been more thrilled by it. Exploring to find secret areas and hidden vistas has never felt so good! The combat system is fantastic, and consistently gets better as the game goes on, both organically through the increased blade variety, and also through story-based breakthroughs adding in new features throughout the experience. I dropped all other games on December 1, not to be picked back up until after Christmas when this baby was fully dusted. It hooked me so hard, and now I’m sitting here, waiting for the DLC to drop so I can continue to revel in this world.
What a year! I’m sitting here, queued for my next PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds match, trying to figure out how I’m going to get the final two moons in Super Mario Odyssey, but even those amazing games just missed the cut for me. I can’t wait to see where all these ranked for the rest of you!
TripsEnvy (gamertag/PSN ID/NN ID/Steam ID)
Fighting favourites
1. Ultra Street Fighter II
Although the game has a lot going against it, Street Fighter II is still my favourite fighter and nostalgic sweet spot, it’s certainly the game I have played the most in 2017, cuz, well, it’s Street Fighter II. And it has cured that itch on the wonderful Switch, can’t wait till the anniversary collection drops in May.
An amazing fun and addictive fighting hybrid, very simple to get the hang of and can be played casually with family and friends in many ways (thanks to the wonderful Switch). It’s a shame the game has had poor sales in comparison to other Nintendo games this year, but as a fighting game fanatic it excites me when I see unique takes on the genre.
3. Tekken 7
Tekken isn’t one of my ultimate fave fighting games, but with the incredible rage art (revenge moves) and slow-mo action scenes they have made Tekken more exciting to watch and to play. 2D fighting games seem to rule at the mo’, and Namco have obviously used tricks from the 2D fighter rules book to bring a new shine to a familiar series.
Thank you for reading.
Unpredictable list
My most sincere apologies for submitting this so late, but it really has been difficult to choose my favourite games of last year. To narrow it down, I set myself a simple rule: no Zelda, no Persona, no Resident Evil. I’ve got nothing against those games as I loved them all to bits, I just hate predictable lists. So here are the games you likely have heard of but are not likely to score highly on the chart and yet I absolutely loved them…
Night In The Woods
My top choice is what must be the greatest indie game I’ve ever played, and that’s largely thanks to the strength of its storytelling. A clever, witty script and engaging, complex characters bring forth some stark analysis of mental health issues, the passage of time on people and places and what it means to be utterly abandoned by the advances of modern society. The central plot involving a murder mystery and a supernatural element is actually the least interesting thing about the game; I just loved spending time with the four protagonists as they went through their messed-up lives in what is essentially a coming-of-age story in which, by the end, no easy answers are given. This is a story-driven game that treats its audience with respect, and for that I applaud it.
Yakuza 0
My first-ever experience with the Yakuza series, and what an experience it was. It felt like a spiritual successor to Shenmue, its small ‘open world’ been absolutely jammed with detail and things to do outside the main story. The story itself was extremely strong, with brilliantly engaging characters and some truly memorable moments. The combat was satisfying, exploring the town was a pleasure and the story was a joy to sit through; I daresay the series has found itself a new fan.
Sonic Mania
This shows just how much passion and creativity can turn the fortunes of an ailing series around, completely upstaging the big studio that seems determined to run it into the ground. Not only did it look like a Sonic game, it played exactly like one, with clever use of momentum, expertly-designed stages, and a ton of neat tricks that made each zone a joy to play through. It really did get me feeling like a kid again, and that’s something the series hasn’t managed for a long time. I really hope we see more passion projects like this in the future.
Andrew Middlemas
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
Interchangeable excellence
1) Truthfully, The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and Super Mario Odyssey may be interchangeable for my game of the year 2017 in the long-run. But for the sake of formalities I’m going for Zelda purely because I’ve put far more hours into it than Mario’s latest stunner. But then again, I’ve only had Odyssey for three weeks now.
But still, Breath Of The Wild is incontrovertibly a watershed in the history of gaming and raises the bar for open world games to astronomical levels. It’s a game that effortlessly redefines the term adventure and player agency in gaming, a game that is so confident and comfortable with the parameters of its game design that it drops the player in an overwhelmingly colossal environment and entrusts and emboldens them to carve s/he’s own unique adventures through its staggeringly reactive and naturalistic world.
It’s a game that smashes the barriers that used to impede total freedom of movement in open world games, with a reinvigorating non-linearity to the structuring of its world, and the crowning genius of being able to climb virtually any surface in the game. A revolutionary gameplay mechanic that is like a metaphor for how the game towers above its contemporaries in its freeform exploration.
And may I add that the weapon degradation system is a master stroke that adds far greater strategic possibilities and nuance to the combat than would’ve otherwise been. I for one also thought the divine beast were superbly designed dungeons and structurally a breath of fresh air for the series. Breath Of The Wild is one of the purest, most intuitive, creative and ambitious video games ever made, and hands down the finest Zelda game since Ocarina Of Time for me. And by extension arguably the best game ever made.
2) Super Mario Odyssey is the culmination of everything that made the previous 3D Mario games so special in my eyes. It’s like a dreamy amalgamation of the unbridled and delightful capriciousness of the Super Mario Galaxies and Super Mario 3D World, with the more open-ended, sandbox magic of Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. It really feels like the perfect Mario game to me.
Super Mario Odyssey is easily the most playful, expressive, wondrous, goofiest, wackiest, springy, whimsical, and arguably, adventurous and inventive, Mario game I’ve played to date. Its disparate and delectable kingdoms are oozing with polish, stunning attention to detail, and a perfervid sense of imagination and artistic flair.
Cappy is such an incredibly versatile and enriching mechanic that enables a myriad of exciting and fun gameplay possibilities. A truly transformative idea that shakes the 3D Mario formula to its foundations. I still recoil in astonishment occasionally at the ingenuity of the different species you can possess and how exhilarating their abilities are to use. Odyssey is simply a masterclass in 3D platforming gaming and a top contender for the best game ever made.
3) Picking between NieR: Automata and Persona 5 was arguably even more difficult than the aforementioned games on my list, and both games are largely interchangeable as to how I rank them, so I’ll just go for NieR: Automata on this occasion, because I suspect Persona 5 is going to get more votes by the GC readership.
NieR: Automata is as visionary and bold as gaming gets. Its kaleidoscopic range of narrative threads and game styles coalesce into this one supremely coherent and magnificent whole. It’s a game that is very much far more than the sums of its parts, but even then, some of those sums equal true greatness. Notably, Platinum Games’s signature high-octane hack and slash combat system, and the terrific shmup sections. I also admired the minimalist, retro-like aesthetics of the alien machine enemies, and the boss designs were invariably excellent.
Yoko Tara’s ambitious and unconventional overarching narrative tells a tale that is so fascinating, touching, morbid, uplifting and poignant. Themes of existential crises, assimilation, self-determination, deception, empathy, and perpetual war are weaved into the story with such delicacy and efficacy. And even now, after 85 hours of play time and having attained eight out of the nine main endings, ending E remains one of the most effective and meaningful endings in the history of gaming for me. It was such a profound and beautiful moment, and will remain with me for an immeasurably long time!
Honourable mentions: the distinguished and utterly sublime Persona 5 and ARMS, which I’m currently finding is one of the most vibrant, tactile and inventive games of any year. Lastly, I know its technically not a 2017 game, but I’ve derived some tremendous enjoyment from Rocket League on the Switch.
Galvanized Gamer
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