The evening Inbox thinks Mario Kart could learn something from Rollcage, as one reader is unimpressed by Marvels Spider-Mans open world.
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All good things…
So I dont know whether Im looking forward to this weekend or not. Ive been playing Red Dead Redemption II since it came out and Im pretty sure that, based on story missions at least, I could have the whole thing beaten this weekend. But I dont want it to end!
60 hours sounds like I long time, and I guess it is, but no matter how long it is youre going to come to the end sooner or later and really dont want it to end. Ive got lots of side missions and the like to do afterwards, but its not going to be the same after the story is over.
I accept the game has its problems in terms of gameplay but I havent enjoyed any open world game nearly as much as this ever, including Zelda: Breath Of The Wild (although youre right that theyre not really that similar). The day companies give up on big budget single-player games is the day I give up on gaming. But Im hoping games like this are what ensures that never happens.
Size isnt everything
After watching yesterdays Smash Bros. Direct I was left feeling a bit disappointed by it. The Spirit and World of Light modes look good but from what Ive seen might not last as long as Subspace Emissary from Brawl.
Piranha Plant looks to be an odd, but fun addition with the long-ranged attacks and a good bonus for early buyers of the game.
The most disappointing part was the removal of trophies as, for me, they were one of the main highlights of playing Smash Bros. in single-player. Having said that, with the amount of characters, songs, and challenges to unlock itll make up for it.
The Conkster17 (PSN ID)
GC: Were not sure how you could judge how long theyd last based on what they showed. And really, length is about the only thing Subspace Emissary had going for it.
World city
I feel undecided on which game has the best open world, largely because the best ones are all quite different from each other. But I do know that I think Marvels Spider-Man has the worst one of all the recent ones. It looks great, sure, and the web-swinging is fun but the city itself is just… there.
At lot of it is down to New York and Spider-Man games having been done so many times in the past but I just didnt feel like I was playing an open world game that even particularly needed to be open world. All the side quests were boring and all the best bits were interior scenes that were quite linear.
Its a good game and I enjoyed it but next time I hope they try and make more use of the world itself and dont set in New York. Surely Pete gets a holiday sometimes?
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Rollcage Kart
Shame that GRIP didnt live up to its potential as a new Rollcage. A double shame given Rollcage itself didnt live up to its own potential or in its sequel. The saddest thing in this sort of situation is knowing that the game and that sort of idea will probably never get another shot.
The number of people that remember or care about it will shrink every year and publishers will just assume the idea is no good and not bother copying it.
Although watch the videos the one modern game it did remind me of was Mario Kart 8, with the whole anti-gravity thing. They didnt make that much out of it in the game but if theyre short of ideas for the sequel I wonder whether that might be the direction theyd gone in with driving on the ceiling and walls whenever you want.
The forgotten exclusive
This is kind of interesting. Its a level from LittleBigPlanet recreated in MediaMolecules new game Dreams. I imagine most people have probably forgotten about Dreams, seeing as its never been clearly explained what it is and Sony never gives it much of a platform at their events. But, as far as I can tell, its basically LittleBigPlanet but in 3D, where you can create more or less anything and turn it into a game or just something to mess around with.
The demo was because its the 10th anniversary of LittleBigPlanet and I have very fond memoires of messing around with those two games. I hope Dreams can be as big or bigger, and I cant help thinking that a playable demo is going to be the best way to explain to people what it actually is.
More than a remake
Must say that I am delighted to hear that the MediEvil remake will be getting released and am impressed by the trailer. I played this game on the first PlayStation console and have fond memories of running around with the sword and having fun progressing through the game with Sir Daniel Fortescue. I can even remember visiting the Hall of Heroes and learning of some other heroes in the game universe. I can remember being sent some slides of MediEvil back in 1998, after registering my PlayStation, which could be shown on a projector, which I thought was cool.
I am wondering with this being a remake if it will offer multiplayer as the original on PlayStation was a single-player game. However, Im sure we could also see some possible DLC for this game since next gen consoles are online compared to the vastly older generation PlayStation 1 console which wasnt online. It will be very interesting to see what will be upgraded on the remake and if there will be any more potential sequels remade for MediEvil on PS4 which I would love to see happen.
What Id love to see happen is the very first original PS1 MediEvil game be offered for free as a perk for those who buy the remake and so those can enjoy the original.
gaz be rotten (gamertag)
8-bit cover
Jeez Louise that reader wasnt kidding when he mentioned how bad that Super Smash Bros. tune was.
On a better game-related musical note there are some classic chart songs on YouTube done in an 8-bit style. Im not very good at providing links, etc. but the uploader is called 8-bit Universe.
Currently playing (for three months solid, no exaggeration): Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries mode
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
Red line
The Call Of Duty microtransactions arent an issue for me… at the moment. The items are cosmetic, but I agree they are stupidly priced, but if someone wants to spend thier money on the outfits/gun skins then so be it. Personally I just think they should bin the COD Points and let you use real money. However, I do understand that, like the days of Microsoft Points, they do it to blur the line of what you are spending.
The point when it becomes an issue will be is if they start adding weapons that are only available with COD Points. Im not talking about skin variants like the Madox AR that randomly had an alternate unlocked and then taken away, but actual weapons that arent part of the core game that are better than what is in the core game. Then the pay-to-win economy starts to shine through. And thats when Ill stop playing.
The black market progression has been adjusted twice I think, and whilst I think it still takes a relatively long time to do progress it can be done, meaning unlocks are attainable for people playing (the channel on YouTube Neros Cinema did some research and say that its the amount of games you play as opposed to how well you do).
Overall, I will add that I am loving Black Ops 4, its the first one I have been behind from pre-beta since Modern Warfare 3 and I love all the changes and especially Blackout!
Inbox also-rans
So can we look forward to a future edition of Nintendos fighter, containing all pre-order and DLC characters, called Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate?
Dynamite Headdy
GC: Wed prefer Ultra Smash Bros. Ultimate.
RE: Bad North. Im playing it on PlayStation 4 so I can assure you it is! Games magazines have even reviewed it before you, which never happens!
Matt Kirk
GC: Well it completely passed us by and weve never seen it mentioned till now. Odd that a game like that wouldnt be on PC already.
This weeks Hot Topic
Its Halloween this week, so the subject for this weekends Inbox is whats the scariest enemy youve ever had to deal with in a video game?
The enemies dont necessarily have to be from a horror game, just as long as theyve scared you – either now or when you were younger. What was it about them that made them so frightening and do you think they worked as the developer intended or was it a happy (or unhappy) accident?
What makes for truly scary enemies and whats the most important part of their design? Is it their visuals, sound, abilities, back story, or something else? Do you like playing scary games and will you be playing any this week?
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