The evening Inbox tries to name the best games on the Sega Saturn, as one reader explains about game hints before the Internet.
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No need to know
Anyone else starting to get really excited about Cyberpunk 2077? I know we still don’t really know anything about it, but after the amazing Witcher 3 I am pretty much sold on the game already. I say that not just because it was good but because CD Projekt’s attitude towards things like loot boxes and expansions has been fantastic, and really shows that a company doesn’t have to treat its customers like scum to make lots of money.
I also really respect the fact that they’re not making a Witcher 4, because they always planned for it just to be a trilogy. I mean, how many other companies would do that? Especially considering the first two games weren’t even that big.
Apparently they’re planning on making Cyberpunk 2077 even more ambitious than Witcher 3, which sound almost impossible. The irony is I don’t even usually like a fantasy setting, so the idea of a sci-fi game that is along the same lines sounds perfect. Hopefully we’ll get our first look at the game this summer at E3, although I still don’t think there’s any clue as to when it’ll be out. I’m hoping they can get a good third person combat system in there, robots, and hacking – kind of like Deus Ex but with less stealth. What is everyone else hoping for?
First second time
For anyone’s that interested Microsoft has announced that there’s going to be an Xbox One X patch for The Witcher 2. I know a lot of people have not played this game, as it did not run that great on Xbox 360 and was not well advertised. But I think the idea of enhanced Xbox 360 games on Xbox One is great and I really have to compliment Microsoft on how committed they are in making backwards compatibility work and take advantage of Xbox One X. They have got a lot of things wrong over the years, and people are right to call them out on it, but this has not been one of them.
It’s a while since I’ve played The Witcher 2 but I should warn that it’s not an open world game and may not please those that are just expecting it to be a junior version of the third game. It is to my mind very good though and arguably has a better story than the newest game. The combat is also as least as good (or as least as bad, depending on how you want to look at it).
Hopefully the patch will sort out the frame rate problems and make it look more like a real Xbox One game, I’m looking forwards to seeing it all again for the first time.
Orbiting Saturn
A friend of mine is into retro gaming and he is getting a Sega Saturn for the first time! I was going to recommend him some games like Sega Rally, Daytona USA, Guardian Heroes, Burning Rangers, Saturn Bomberman, Manx TT Super Bike, Virtua Cop 1 and 2, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Fighting
Vipers, NiGHTS Into Dreams and the Christmas bonus disc, but can readers recommend others he should play? I think he has played Exhumed on PS1.
He likes lots of different types of games including Japanese role-playing games. He buys the cheaper games as well as the very expensive games. Thank you for any recommendations you can give.
Andrew J.
GC: Fighters Mega Mix, the other Panzer Dragoons, Radiant Silvergun, and Shining Force III are all classics. There’s also a lot of great 2D shooters and fighters.
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Just a coincidence
The point about graphics being the selling point for consoles has me think of when handhelds first became prominent. Hark back to the Game Boy, the Game Gear, and even the Atari Lynx! Which dominated? The Game Boy. With its monochrome graphics. Whereas the Game Gear and the Lynx had colour. I’m sure battery life played a huge role in the Game Boy’s success. Arguably Nintendo have dominated the handheld console sector ever since.
Generally, I hold the view Microsoft miscalculated their strategy for the Xbox One and Sony didn’t have to follow suit. What makes the Microsoft and Sony dynamic interesting with respect to technology is just how similar they are, with AMD providing the basic chip design. At which point the main difference is really in graphical performance rather than graphical appearance.
So if technologically all were equal, there remains only a few other deciding factors: games, ecosystem, ergonomics (design), and perhaps branding. With the PlayStation 4 I would consider it coincidental the more powerful console has a better game selection, so it is an anomaly with respect to popularity and the graphical power it had on release.
Phone a friend
RE: Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past. Back in the days, before the Internet, there used to be a phone number inside the little booklet. You could phone Nintendo UK and ask for help if you were stuck.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I used this service quite a lot when I did my first playthrough of A Link To The Past. It wasn’t a premium rate phone line either, just straight dial to someone who knew the games inside out.
Rich relations
Good to hear about another great game on PlayStation VR. If I didn’t have a cousin who already had one I would definitely have pulled the trigger on one by now, but luckily I get to go round his and not spend my own money!
It’s particularly good to see quality new games this year, after people were starting to fret that Sony weren’t doing enough to promote it. I think they are doing as much as they can with a super expensive bit of hardware that is probably never going to be able to support its own full price games (until the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR 2, at least).
But you do get new games all the time and some of them are properly good, just as Moss seems to be. Although yet again I have to ask: do indie developers not want people to buy their games? Why do they always have such terrible names! It happens every time.
Half and half
Did trollboff 97 on yesterday evening’s Inbox perhaps mean Way Of The Exploding Fist? I remember that being a big game back in the Spectrum/C64 era.
My main memory was having to contort my hands on one half of the keyboard to try and make all the various moves. And if I played against a friend they had the same issue with the other half of the keyboard. What a nightmare!
GC: He might of, but we don’t remember there being any ninja in Way Of The Exploding Fist. And there weren’t that many sequels either.
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
I am absolutely disgusted by that description of the developer meeting at GDC about loot boxes, and very glad that GC has brought it to everyone’s attention. The attitude of the people involved is scandalous and shows how they view us gamers as just open wallets, to be kept in a permeant state of emptiness. The idea that they could view sensible limits on gambling as censorship is unbelievable, and if you’d told me that was some kind of parody site I’d easy believe you.
The worst thing is that these are developers, not publishers. You can understand, to a degree, the money men only being interested in one thing but these are the people that actually make our games. That presumably have a passion for games. Is this really how they think? Or at least enough of them to have a meeting like this and have it organised by an official trade body.
The whole thing with lobbyists in America has always seemed bizarre, as it’s clear they’re much more important to politicians than the well being of the average person. So good for Chris Lee and others that stand up to this. I would never dream of buying loot boxes, or almost any microtransaction, but now I’m more against them than ever. If the governments of the world crack down on it then companies should know that they brought it all on themselves.
Inbox also-rans
Is there a technical reason why there hasn’t been a Switch version of Overwatch? I didn’t think it was too demanding on resources. Or is it simply they aren’t sure it will sell well? I thought Overwatch would suit the Switch very well.
Alek Kazam
GC: It does seem a good fit, but it would still be a difficult technical feat. Doom made it look easy, but Payday 2 shows how badly things can turn out.
With GameCentral having so many readers/viewers I was wondering where your furthest reader comes from? Are you a truly global brand or is it local to the UK?
GC: We know we have many readers in American and Australasia, we’re not sure about anywhere more exotic.
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Cranston, who asks what one video game do you think most deserves a remaster or remake?
With an unusual number of video games already having been reworked and re-released this year, we want to know what other game you’d most like to see get the same treatment. It can be any game from any console, but we want to know why you think it deserves the attention and what changes you’d make to it.
Would it just be tidying up the graphics or would you want to see more significant changes? What else would you change about the visuals, and would you alter anything about the gameplay or controls? Do you think the remaster would be widely popular or would only existing fans enjoy it?
E-mail your comments to: [email protected]
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New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.
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