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Republicans turn on Trump’s ‘cruel’ border policy

Outraged Republicans have demanded an end to the "ugly and inhumane practice" which has seen thousan..

Tesla worker ‘carried out damaging sabotage’

A Tesla employee has been carrying out "extensive and damaging sabotage", according to the company&#..

Mexico condemns Trump’s ‘inhuman’ border policy

Mexico has condemned the US policy on undocumented migrants, which involves separating children from..

Children cry out for ‘Mami’ and ‘Papá’ in heartbreaking audio recorded at detention center

So begins an excruciating audio clip of children howling for their parents after being separated fro..

How one little girl became the face of ‘zero tolerance’

A 2-year-old Honduran child cries as her mother is searched by US Border Patrol agents on Tuesday, J..

DHS secretary denies separation amounts to child abuse

"We have high standards. We give them meals and we give them education and we give them medical care..

Devastated children’s cries recorded at US border camp

The desperation and suffering of young migrant children separated from their parents at the US borde..

Will Trump push on with family separations?

Donald Trump has had it in mind for some time. Separating children from their parents was first fl..

China hits back on US tariffs with ‘same scale’ penalties

China's government has said it will retaliate against US President Donald Trump's tariff h..

Children sleep on floor in cages of US border ‘prison’

Young migrant children, many of whom have been taken from their parents' arms, are being kept i..

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Tech breakthrough as AI robots used to invent crazy new PIZZA...

CRUSH PIZZA / INSTAGRAM TASTY RESEARCH: The MIT students taking part in quality control (Pic: CRU..