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20 named storms predicted for hurricane season, the most since 2005

This is the earliest in a season that the group has made a prediction this high. The only other time..

FBI chief says China is blackmailing dissenters in US to force them back home

Issued on: 08/07/2020 – 04:02 FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday urged China-born people in ..

Muslim woman files discrimination charge after she says a Target Starbucks barista wrote ‘ISIS’...

Aishah, who asked to be identified only by her first name out of fear for her safety, is being repre..

Trump sees Kanye West White House bid as trial run for 2024

Issued on: 08/07/2020 – 10:04Modified: 08/07/2020 – 10:07 US President Donald Trump said Tuesday t..

As a nation cries for justice, Atatiana Jefferson’s siblings demand she not be forgotten

He has high points and low. He still plays outside, watches TV and loves video games — the pastime h..

FBI investigating alleged racist attack in Indiana, lawyer says

His lawyer, Katharine Liell said it's a hate crime investigation. When CNN reached out to the F..

A Florida man visiting beaches dressed as the Grim Reaper says governor should require...

Daniel Uhlfelder, who sued the state's Republican governor earlier this year saying he prematur..

A woman accused of throwing Molotov cocktail at a police car suggests a protester...

But investigators said the woman got the bottle for the Molotov cocktail from a friend in upstate Ne..

Brazil’s Bolsonaro takes Covid-19 test after showing symptoms

Issued on: 07/07/2020 – 02:09 Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Monday he had undergone a..

New York AG says Black Lives Matter Foundation ‘not affiliated with the movement’ and...

"I ordered the Black Lives Matter Foundation to stop illegally accepting donations that were intende..

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Denmark’s PM pours cold water on Vestager Commission bid

Margrethe Vestager’s chances of getting reappointed as Europe’s antitrust boss just got bleaker. Ve..