The actress posted Tuesday in response to an article alleging she was "facing backlash" over a purported "blackface scandal."Milano tweeted a photo of the headline from the conservative site LifeZette along with her response."Hey, a**holes," she tweeted. "The below picture is me parodying Jersey Shore and Snookie's (cq) tan. Snookie's tan (she is a sweetheart by the way) is worthy of parodying as is Trump's 'tan.'"Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi is a star of the hit MTV series "Jersey Shore" and well known for her tan. CNN has reached out to reps for LifeZette for comment.A rep for Polizzi, who was born in Chile and adopted as an infant by Italian-American parents, declined to comment to CNN. The issue of blackface has become a big one in Hollywood during the recent global reexamining of race and racial injustice. Past episodes of several shows that featured a character in blackface recently have been pulled from streaming services, and late night host Jimmy Kimmel apologized after old clips of him performing in blackface surfaced.Milano, who has been outspoken in her opposition to Trump, had tweeted days earlier about what she alleges is a smear campaign against her because of her politics.Read More – Source

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