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Games Inbox: Is Forza Horizon 4 the best Christmas exclusive?

Forza Horizon 4 – only on Xbox

The morning Inbox wonders if Capcom is planning a new Onimusha or Darkstalkers, as a Mario Maker fan explains why he doesnt want a sequel.

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Exclusive Christmas

I know some people dismiss it because its a driving game and they knock a new one out every year but I really think Forza Horizon 4 is going to be the best exclusive of this Christmas. As anyone knows thats been watching the previews it looks amazing, even for Forza, and it doesnt hurt that its set in the UK and so everywhere looks familiar, except a kind of prettified version of the real thing – as if everything was perfect.

The previous Horizon games have been great, theres tons of cars and tracks, its more of an arcade racer than the sometimes stuffy Motorsport games, and Playground Games seem to be trying to make this one as fun as possible.

Im still not convinced Spider-Man isnt going to be a QTE fest, Ive never like Smash Bros., and… actually I think thats it for exclusives really. The Pokémon game I think, but isnt that technically a remake? Until writing this I didnt realise how few there were this Christmas, considering how busy it is otherwise, so yeh definitely: Forza Horizon 4, best exclusive.

Next on the list

So thanks to Monster Hunter: World Capcom is in its best financial position for years, especially with Resident Evil 2 doing so well at E3 and Devil May Cry 5 hopefully being a return to form. So we do we realistically think could be next? Id love to see Dino Crisis and Power Stone as much as the next person but I really cant imagine it.

Maybe Dino Crisis in a couple of years, if their next few revamps are successful, but I dont see it as their next move. I think a new Onimusha is much more likely and maybe some kind of 3D Mega Man game if 11 does well. I just hope they lay off the Dead Rising for now as Im totally done with that franchise.

Theyre in the odd position now where Street Fighter is the most difficult thing to work out how to bring back because V isnt an outright flop but clearly hasnt done the business. I heard some whispers about a new Darksiders game, which would be cool, or dare I say it even a brand new fighter franchises?!

Relaxing with pirates

With the Cursed Sails DLC out this week Rare has announced that the number of players on Sea Of Thieves has gone up by a 1 million just since E3, to 5 million. Thats pretty impressive news and I assume because of interest from the new trailers they had and the promises about DLC coming out regularly.

I know its a controversial game with some but I really enjoy it. Admittedly I cant quite understand people that play it every single day, but then I could say that of any game. I certainly play it regularly with friends (three mostly, actually, so the new ship type is perfect for us) and we always have a great time chatting and messing around and occasionally doing quests.

Thats all I really want from the game and its much better for that sort of thing than the hyper competitive hellhole that is GTA Online. I dont know how anyone can bear to play that nowadays, with all the flying cars and everything.



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Police squad

I read your This Is The Police II review and I think youre wrong. The life of even a rookie policeman would make a fantastic video game. I love chasing down bag snatchers in Grand Theft Auto V and I always give the stolen money back.

Imagine this basic gaming element along with drug busts and seizures, chasing down joyriders, laying down stingers, searching for missing persons, dealing with out of control addicts, and drunks. The options are endless.

And in a game you can always elaborate on real life. The rookie cop could become involved in a myriad of other duties involving plain clothes work, maybe helping a detective solve major crimes like busting professional crews of bank robbers or hunting down serial killers.

Id love the next Grand Theft Auto to focus on a cast of cops, that would be a fascinating twist for the series.
msv858 (Twitter)

GC: That sounds more like the Hollywood version of police work than the reality, which is what we were doubtful could be made interesting in a game. But wed love for developers to try anyway. Crime dramas in general are disappointingly rare in gaming.

Light noise

I always shake my head when I see people accusing other Inboxers of being negative towards Microsoft when their failures are so blindingly obvious not even they pretend they arent an issue. But just to even things out a little Id like to complain about Sony and their terrible consoles.

Who designs these things and did they used to work at Rolls-Royce because the noise my PlayStation 4 makes, sometimes just playing a Blu-ray, sounds like its a jet airliner taking off. Apparently this can vary from console to console but Im willing to bet there are many people reading this that will know exactly what Im talking about.

And secondly, whats with all the lights. Why do all the PlayStation 4s have these huge distracting lights on their front for no good reason. Its not like youre ever confused as to whether its on or not. And thats not to mention GCs favourite the lightbar. What is it for? Is there going to be some final secret reveal when the console is mothballed after the PlayStation 5?

Why is there a giant light on the back of the controller that seems to be specifically designed to reflect in your TV? The only use it does have is for PlayStation VR and thats the only time you cant see it in the TV! Madness.

A hunter is never alone

We finally did it! After god knows how many hours (and about 50 attempts on the final boss) we finally completed Bloodborne! I say we because I played all the way through in couch co-op mode with my partner. By which I just mean the old-school life-by-life approach to switching the controller. It surprised me but Bloodborne really is a perfect game for this, not only because dying is such a frequent occurrence, but also because between your turns you can take a much needed breather, and just observe and learn from each others mistakes. (My initial attempts at the game solo were short lived, because the stress the game can induce was just too much at times.)

Sure, it slightly diminishes the sense of personal achievement when youre not the one to finish off a boss, but you always feel you contributed through the progress you made in your previous go. It also adds quite a bit of drama when youre the one responsible for retrieving a huge amount of blood echoes, and when negotiating which stats to invest in. But Im pleased to say our relationship made it through the experience, although it probably helps that we were equally as (un)skilled as each other.

Next on the list is the proper co-op game Divinity: Original Sin II – really pleased this is coming to PlayStation 4. Although Ive heard this can get interesting as your characters often have conflicting goals, so seems like this might be a bigger test!

GC: We think youre going to love Divinity: Original Sin II.

Splinter theory

I dont know what games exactly that guy was after the other day but Microsoft has just added Splinter Cell: Double Agent and Blacklist to the backwards compatibility list. I dont want to start my own conspiracy theory but does this maybe have anything to do with the rumours of a new game?

Weve got Gamescom coming up and that would be one of the last chances of the year to announce something at a big show. Just a thought but I cant believe they pick what they do completely at random, or wed have had Barbie Horse Adventure, or whatever, by now.



Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Veteran opinion

In response to the person who mentioned Super Mario Maker for Switch I thought I would have my say as I spent so much time (4,000+ hours!) on the Wii U game.

The general consensus in the community is that a sequel for Switch is a dead cert. However, I completely disagree. The game was and still is very addictive, especially if you become part of the Reddit and Discord communities.

I played nothing else for nearly two years and I know a lot of other people did too. There were games I wanted to buy but I couldnt stop playing and making levels. Surely if a sequel came out on Switch it would have a knock-on affect to sales of other games.

Also, Nintendo vastly underestimated the time they would have to invest into constantly updating the Wii U game due to bugs and people breaking the game with crazy things they found the editor could do. Monitoring Miiverse was a constant battle with people plagiarising others levels block for block. Not to mention abusive comments on levels.

Its probably my favourite game ever. Ive made friends around the globe, won competitions, had levels recognised by Nintendo themselves (I still want to write a Readers Feature on my experiences) but honestly I do not want a sequel. At least not for a few years. And I really doubt Nintendo want the hassle of another Super Mario Maker either.
Fatys Henrys

GC: Thats an interesting point of view. And wed welcome a Readers Feature, were still very low on them at the moment.

Inbox also-rans

I think the Battle Royale tease for Black Ops 4 looks good as well. I think its going to be huge and Activision are going to wonder why they ever bothered with a story campaign.
Greay Gardner

Go Vacation on the Switch is the most fun Ive had in years.
Larnyboy666 (NN ID)
PS: Im 53.

This weeks Hot Topic

The subject for this weekends Inbox was suggested by reader Grackle, who asks what game have you given up on the quickest after playing it?

It doesnt matter when it was, or on what format, but what game have you abandoned the fastest and why? Try and keep your example to something you actually bought or were actively anticipating, and explain why it failed to live up to your expectations.

Did you ever go back to the game and try again and has the same thing ever happened with any other games? Are you often surprised or disappointed with games youve been looking forward to and have you found a way to avoid being upset in the same way?

E-mail your comments to: [email protected]


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New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

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