2:06 PM 05/05/2018
Comedian Bill Maher took potshots at President Donald Trump and his two “new best friends,” Kanye West and Rudy Giulani during Friday nights “Real Time” on HBO.
“Its like he … joined a new dating site, OKStupid,'” Maher joked.
Other than his introduction, however, Maher left West out of the conversation and focused the majority of his barbs on Giuliani and Trump.
During a segment Maher titled “this weeks episode of I dont even know where to start,” he criticized Trump for replacing Cohen with Giuliani. Citing the mixed up stories that came from Giuliani and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Maher exclaimed, “You know you hit rock bottom when Trump is cleaning up your quotes. Oh, thats not what Rudy meant to say. Here to explain is the monkey from Rampage.”
Maher also attacked the administration over what appeared to be a number of conflicting stories, suggesting that no one really knew who was saying what to whom with regard to television interviews. “Its like improv comedy, except its not funny.”
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