According to a statement provided to CNN from the show's executive producers, Warner Bros. Television and Group and DC Universe, Warren Appleby died Thursday "after an accident which occurred at a special effects facility during the preparation and testing for an upcoming shoot.""Warren is beloved by all who worked with him during an impressive 25-year career in television and motion pictures," the statement read. "The executive producers, along with everyone in the TITANS family, Warner Bros. Television Group and DC UNIVERSE, wish to express our deepest condolences, and heartfelt love and support, to Warren's family and friends at this most difficult time."The series focuses on a group of DC Universe young superheroes who fight evil. Appleby also served as special effects coordinator for the Oscar-winning film "The Shape of Water." That film's director, Guillermo del Toro, hailed him to Deadline as "a top-notch FX man but I admired him as a father and family man, and a colleague, too.""He always gave you his 100% percent," Read More – Source

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