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Spider-Man - Sony's biggest Christmas exclusive

Spider-Man – which has been his best game so far?

With the new PS4 exclusive game just weeks away from release, GameCentral takes a look at the best 3D Spider-Man games to date.

When we think superheroes, comics, and their transition into the world of video games theres one name which has dominated for the past several years: Batman. Since first opening the doors to Arkham Asylum back in 2009, Rocksteady took the caped crusader from one critically acclaimed adventure to the next, creating a true juggernaut for Warner Bros. Interactive.

No other comic-inspired game has come even close to replicating Arkhams recent success. While not all terrible, Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) tie-ins such as Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America were quickly forgotten at a time when film-to-game adaptations were in a steep decline. Instead, Marvel properties flourished through its partnership with Lego, not to mention the legion of mobile games readily available via Google Play and the App Store.



With the Dark Knight seemingly dormant, DCs rival could be poised for somewhat of a takeover. Although well never get to play that co-op Avengers game scrapped when THQ went bust in 2012, Insomniacs PS4-exclusive Spider-Man is just mere weeks away. Piggybacking the rampant success of Marvels unending blockbuster barrage, Sonys no doubt hoping this will turn into their next big system seller.

Previews are already out there and hype levels have reached their peak. So, as we count down the remaining days to release, theres no better time to rank Spideys previous video game outings, from worst to best.

In order to keep this list a tidy eleven-parter, weve trimmed away many of the webslingers cameos, spin-offs, and guest appearances in series such as Marvel Vs. Capcom and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Although there were several Spider-Man games before the new millennium, these 2D retro titles also didnt make the cut, but are still worth a brief mention.

The world-famous wallcrawlers first appearance was back in 1982, Spideys video game legacy charting almost four decades. Developed by Parker Brothers for the Atari 2600, Spider-Man also marked the first time a Marvel comics character had featured in a game. It was a simplistic, arcade style score chase where players would command the superhero as he climbed a huge skyscraper, swinging side to side, avoiding the Green Goblins deluge of explosives.

Going back after nearly 40 years, time hasnt been kind to Spideys gaming debut. Then again, the same can be said for some our first entries on this list:



11. Spider-Man 3

2007 brought an end to Sam Raimis trilogy of Spider-Man movies. Not only that, it marked the emergence of a new console generation, with Sonys newly-released PlayStation 3 going head-to-head with the Xbox 360.

This was still a time when movie tie-ins were a given and, following the success of its predecessors, a Spider-Man 3 video game was inevitable. That said, much like the movie, our last adventure with Maguires Spidey fell way short of expectations.

At this point, Treyarchs open-world template was showing signs of fatigue. The studio, which would later become a Call Of Duty mainstay, had done little to refine or improve on what made their earlier Spider-Man games so great. For a major next-gen title, it looked spectacularly rough around the edges in its attempts to mimic the movie.

Its important to remember that a transition between console generations can be tough on developers as they adapt to new tech. Its also crazy to think that Treyarch were juggling so many projects at that time, including Call Of Duty: World At War, 007: Quantum Of Solace, and Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows, which makes an appearance further up this list.

10. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Although its by no means a terrible game, much like the previous entry on this list The Amazing Spider-Man 2 suffered from being iterative and lacking fresh ideas. Its no coincidence that this flawed title marked the end of another run of Spidey films, this time closing the door on Andrew Garfields divisive depiction of the popular superhero. For developer Beenox it signalled an unremarkable end to their tenure too, as Activision relinquishing the licence after some 14 or so years.

Players came in already knowing what to expect: zip around an even shinier version of Manhattan, lay the smackdown on street thugs, and appreciate the occasional surprise cameo. Although far from original, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 played fairly well, its combat feeling more like a Batman game and its world map populated in an Ubi-esque fashion.

If youre absolutely dying for some Spidey action before Insomniacs upcoming game, this is your only option on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

9. Spider-Man: Edge Of Time

Another Beenox title. This indirect sequel to Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions launched just a year later in 2011 and was quickly glossed over. Were starting to see a pattern develop with new and interesting Spider-Man games quickly followed up by disappointing, regressive sequels.

Without needing to stick to a movie script, Edge Of Time went for a brash approach with its storytelling. Splitting the focus between different versions of the Spider-Man character sounds risky but, hey, it did wonders for Shattered Dimensions so why not give it another crack? However, instead of shifting between four different timelines in the wider Spidey universe, Beenox cut it down to just two, focusing on Amazing Spider-Man and his 2099 counterpart in their own time-travelling caper.

Choosing 2099 made sense. Hes a drastically different interpretation, plucked from an entirely different setting, but manages to be way less interesting than his partner, weighing down the whole experience. Edge Of Time ultimately felt like a cutback instead of a push forward for Beenox and as a result the game scored considerably lower than its predecessor.

8. Spider-Man: The Movie

Spider-Mans first live action movie was far from perfect but it did a good job of bringing the iconic character to the silver screen: a blockbuster that would bolster the webslingers popularity beyond comics and the fantastic animated series of the 90s.

The accompanying video game was worked on by Treyarch – easily the biggest project the studio had taken on since being established just a few years earlier. Spider-Man helped create the template for many movie tie-ins to come. A linear, combat-heavy action game following the story beats of the film script while also being fleshed out beyond your typical 100-minute cinema runtime.

Alongside Green Goblin, it featured characters such as Scorpion and Shocker, stylised to blend in with the films modern aesthetic. Compared to Spider-Man games of the past, there was a lot more depth. Over the course of the game players could upgrade Spidey and experiment with new moves, combos, and web attacks. Treyarchs rendition of New York City may look primitive compared to Insomniacs luscious urban landscape but at the time it
was hard not to get distracted in those large levels, swinging through Manhattan and soaking in its beauty.

7. The Amazing Spider-Man

Spider-Mans return to cinemas in 2012 gave Bennox another chance after the somewhat satisfying Edge Of Time. Adhering to the films script meant enduring a fairly flavourless story with the Lizard as its main antagonist, spawning a hokey line-up of animal/human hybrid baddies for players to pummel.

Where both of its previous games had been strictly linear, action-based affairs, Beenox went back to the drawing board with The Amazing Spider-Man, giving fans what they (assumedly) wanted: a huge, open world to swing through, pack with plenty of crime-fighting opportunities.

As we mentioned with its sequel, there was a clear Batman: Arkham influence at work. The game could be split between three parts: navigation, stealth, and combat; the latter using a familiar counter system, allowing players to unleash a flurry of blows while seamlessly dodging incoming attacks.

Although the overall reception was positive, The Amazing Spider-Man suffered from poor boss battles and really wasnt much of a looker. This is another trend that pops up throughout this list. Developers may have been starting to push the power of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation but neither could replicate the lifelike look of the movies without serious compromises.

6. Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro

A lot of you wont remember, or will not have heard of, the first two 3D Spider-Man games that released at the turn of the century. Its a shame as theyre both bangers and two of the best hero action games youll find on the original PlayStation.

With a winning formula on its hands, Activision decided to follow up its 2000 Spider-Man game with a direct sequel, development duties shifting to Vicarious Visions as Neversoft moved on to the fledgling Tony Hawks franchise.

Enter Electro didnt have quite the same impact, although it successfully built on the strengths of the original. The combat was slightly more refined with some added moves and much bigger levels, though story-wise the stakes were much lower.

Neversoft had already packed so much into the original game, crafting a spectacular story that managed to weave in a veritable cast of Spidey favourites. Still, Electro made for a surprisingly good antagonist and the sequel effortlessly carried that comic book feel, allowing Vicarious to bring in lesser known villains such as Hammerhead, Sandman, and Shocker. As well as cameos from X-Mens Rogue and Beast.

While Green Goblin would have been an easy pick, his prominent role in the 2002 film probably influenced his omission from these earlier Spider-Man games.

5. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

In the time that Activision has been publishing Spider-Man games, weve seen the popular licence handed from one talented studio to the next. From Neversoft to Vicarious Visions, then Treyarch, and finally Beenox.

When Shattered Dimensions was announced, the title was met with both excitement and trepidation. With no Spider-Man movie to lean on, Beenox was free to create its own original story in Spideys corner of the Marvel universe.

The result? Arguably the boldest Spider-Man video game ever. An exploration of the characters wider comic book lore, shifting focus between four versions of our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, each with their own unique setting, characters, and gameplay twists.

One stage from the Amazing timeline could pit you against Kraven in the middle of a jungle, the next throwing you into the black and white world of Spider-Man Noir, silently stalking 1930s Manhattan in pursuit of a Nosferatu-esque Vulture. Ultimate Spidey and 2099 also shared the spotlight, the games voice actors including Neil Patrick Harris and Josh Keaton.

It may not have been the open-world superhero sim fans had come to expect from the webslinger but Shattered Dimensions was a great palette cleanser and one that never felt shackled or bent to fit that movie tie-in mould.

4. Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows

Again, its crazy to think how busy Treyarch was when putting the final touches on this entry. One studio working on three big games for the triple AAA market just wouldnt happen nowadays, but they somehow pulled it off.

Before becoming Activisions dedicated Black Ops division, Treyarch gave us a much darker Spider-Man game: one that depicted a full-scale symbiote invasion of New York City. Right out of the gate, it ticked off the essentials: great web-slinging and some flashy, acrobatic combat scenes. The defining feature here, however, was how the story unfolded based on player choice and this would, in turn, impact Spider-Man and world around him.

As in games like Mass Effect and inFamous, these choices were pretty black and white. With great power comes great responsibility, but when those powers are amped up by some crazy alien sludge from outer space, you may want to kick back and embrace your inner evil.

3. Spider-Man

The first proper 3D Spider-Man game, and one some of you will no doubt remember fondly. Released in 2000, it predated Sonys original blockbuster trilogy as well as Marvels Ultimate comic reboot, a landmark shift responsible for how many of its characters would be portrayed later in the MCU.

In that respect, Spider-Man felt unadulterated, purely inspired by the comics and those spectacular animated shows many Marvel fans grew up watching. Looking back, its impressive just how many storylines and characters Neversoft was able to bring together in a single game. Not to mention a villain line-up including Scorpion, Rhino, Doctor Octopus, Venom, Carnage, and even Mysterio.

For Spider-Man newcomers it served as a fantastic primer. And for long-time fans? A fantastic homage – a rollercoaster of superhero action torn right from the pages of the comics, fully realised 3D. And boy, what a soundtrack – thats pure late 90s/early 00s gold for you right there.

2. Spider-Man 2

Choosing between the final two on this list was a toughie, considering just how similar they are. Both developed by Treyarch and both strutting that same open world template that would set the bar for the superhero subgenre long before Batman threw down his gadget-laden gauntlet.

Treyarch essentially repackaged Spider-Man: The Movie, building out and refining just about every aspect while also shifting focus from linear levels to a sprawling open world. This was a ballsy approach at the time, especially for anything that wasnt a huge, systems-heavy role-player or didnt have the name Grand Theft Auto in its title.

However, when you take that first swing in Spider-Man 2, theres an instant moment of revelation. The city is yours to explore, and its not just the street level. That sense of verticality, of being able to zip around an entire block in seconds, was intoxicating. For the first time players could truly feel like the webslinger himself.

The fact that Spider-Man 2 was a movie tie-in – a phrase synonymous with low budget, rush jobs – made it all the more impressive.

1. Ultimate Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2 left quite an impact but what is arguably the best Spidey game to date was soon to follow. Just a little over a year, in fact.

Using the same mould, Ultimate Spider-Man made small refinements to the gameplay but had a much deeper emphasis on story. Dont get us wrong, the second in Sam Raimis film trilogy was by far the best in terms of plot, but it was still only two hours of blockbuster action. By comparison, Ultimate gave Treyarch a ton of modernised comic book material to work with. Now, not everyone enjoyed Marvels Ultimate universe but it was incredibly influential, with the initial run written by Brian Michael Bendis being a particular highlight.

Covering several key story arcs, the game featured a whole host of Marvel heroes and villains, as well as side characters, helping to flesh out the story whenever Peter Parker stepped out of the costume. Ultimate Spider-Man also managed to successfully adapt the symbiote storyline from the comics in a way that was compelling, pitting him against Venom on several occasions to anchor the overarching story.

Another highlight was the games presentation, carrying an incredible cel-shaded look before games like Borderlands and 2008s sorely underrated Prince Of Persia. Needless to say, the effect perfectly complimented Mark Bagleys art from the comics.

Ultimate showed Spider-Man at his gaming best. Without needing to recreate lifelike visuals. Without needing to stretch a film script purposefully crafted for the silver screen. Treyarch wasnt given complete carte blanche but they were able to give gamers one of the characters best representations. And a depiction of Manhattan many comic readers had conjured in their minds, flipping page after page as children and young adults.

By Jim Hargreaves

