The 111th session of the International Labour Conference, organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO), is a highly anticipated event that will take place in Geneva from 5 to 16 June 2023. Chaired by Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Qatar’s Minister of Labour, this conference reaffirms the commitment of the ILO and its member nations to labor issues. As we look forward to this significant gathering, it is important to recognize the ILO’s past efforts, celebrate its achievements, and shed light on its current President.

ILO’s Tripartite Structure and Achievements:

One of the unique aspects of the ILO is its tripartite structure, where representatives of governments, employers, and workers come together to discuss and approve standards, policies, and programs. This inclusive framework ensures a comprehensive approach to labor issues. The organization operates through three main bodies: the International Labour Conference, which formulates international labor standards annually; the Governing Body, responsible for policy decisions and budget; and the International Labour Office, the permanent secretariat that administers the organization and implements activities.

Over the years, the ILO has made significant contributions to labor rights and social justice. In recognition of its efforts, the organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969 for its work in improving fraternity, peace, and justice among nations. It has played a crucial role in pursuing decent work and providing technical assistance to developing nations. The ILO’s Global Commission on the Future of Work, convened in 2019, produced ten recommendations for governments to meet the challenges of the 21st-century labor environment, including the concept of a universal labor guarantee and lifelong learning.

President Ali bin Samikh Al Marri: A Champion for Workers’ Rights:

The upcoming conference will be chaired by Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Qatar’s Minister of Labour, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to labor issues. As President of the 111th ILO Conference, Minister Al Marri brings his expertise and dedication to the table. Throughout his career, he has consistently advocated for workers’ rights and worked towards improving labor conditions. His leadership will undoubtedly contribute to productive discussions and outcomes during the conference.

Addressing Technological Disruptions and Green Economy:

The ILO has always been at the forefront of addressing emerging challenges in the world of work. The organization has assessed the impact of technological disruptions on employment globally, recognizing both the potential benefits and threats they pose. It acknowledges the need for timely actions to ensure a smooth transition and emphasizes the importance of human adaptability, competitiveness, and continuous upskilling.

Furthermore, the ILO has also examined the transition to a green economy and its implications for employment. It has found that with the right policies in place, a shift to a greener economy could create 24 million new jobs by 2030. Conversely, without such a transition, heat stress and temperature increases may lead to the loss of 72 million full-time jobs by 2030, particularly in agriculture. These findings highlight the ILO’s commitment to addressing the challenges of climate change and safeguarding workers’ interests.

The 111th ILO Conference holds immense importance as it brings together representatives from around the world to address pressing labor issues. With Ali bin Samikh Al Marri as the conference’s President, the event will benefit from his expertise and dedication to workers’ rights. The ILO’s tripartite structure, coupled with its remarkable achievements over the years, underscores its significance as a global advocate for labor rights and social justice. As the conference approaches, it is an opportune time to celebrate the ILO’s accomplishments and look forward to the positive impact this upcoming.