North Korea is absolutely furious that the U.S. had the audacity to speak up and remind the world of its human rights atrocities at the Winter Olympics.

Pyongyang lashed out at the Trump administration Friday for trying to derail the North’s charm offensive by shoving the death of an American college student in its face and criticizing North Korea’s abysmal human rights record on the world stage. The regime accused the Trump administration Friday of “kicking up a fuss” to “tarnish” the North’s international image.

Otto Warmbier was arrested in North Korea two years ago for allegedly attempting to pilfer a propaganda poster. He was in a coma when he returned home last June after more than a year in detention. The North Korean foreign ministry asserts that he was sent home in “normal physical condition,” but American medical professionals assessed that he had suffered a traumatic brain injury, the cause of which remains a mystery.

Warmbier died one week later.

Parents Fred and Cindy Warmbier were guests of President Donald Trump at his State of the Union address. “You are powerful witnesses to a menace that threatens our world, and your strength inspires us all. Tonight, we pledge to honor Otto’s memory with American resolve,” the president said in his speech.

In that same speech, Trump also honored a North Korean defector who experienced firsthand the brutality of the North Korean regime. The North refers to the defector Ji Song Ho as “human scum.”

ALSO WATCH: North Korean Defector Describes Meeting Trump

Fred Warmbier attended the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in South Korea as a special guest of Vice President Mike Pence, who was on a mission to remind the world that North Korea is a cruel, murderous regime, not a normal nuclear state with smiling leaders and bubbly cheerleaders.

“The United States is again kicking up a defamation campaign against the DPRK,” North Korean state media asserted, “intentionally attributing Warmbier’s” death to North Korea. The North also slammed the Trump administration for engaging defectors, like Ji and others, in recent weeks.

The “Trump group is even resorting to ridiculous action of dragging those human scum, who committed crimes of treason against the nation and fled to South Korea,” the North Korean foreign ministry said, according to a state media report.

North Korea claims that the administration is “stirring up international pressure and vindicating its attempt to stifle us by force.” The report even suggests that the presidents’ criticisms of North Korea’s human rights record is part of a larger effort by the administration to justify regime change in North Korea.

Pyongyang warned their will be a “high price” for America’s actions.

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