During an interview Monday night, CNN legal analyst Paul Callan grilled Michael Avenatti over his client Stormy Daniels latest lawsuit against the president.


Daniels is suing President Trump for defamation because the president called her sketch of a man who allegedly threatened her a “con job.” Callan, however, argued that Avenatti will have a hard time getting a jury to believe that the president damaged Daniels reputation because of her status as a porn star.

“Do you think that you have a realistic possibility of having a jury of ordinary people say that her reputation is damaged?” Callan asked, noting that Daniels has starred in 200-500 pornographic films.

Avenatti said that he is “confident” they will be able to prove special damages if necessary, but Callan seemed unsatisfied, interjecting, “but what would they be?”

“You gotta stop interrupting me,” Avenatti said, slapping his hand on the table. “All I ask is that you stop interrupting me.”

“If youre in court, a judge is going to say to you, Sir, what special damages are you proving here?'” Callan asserted. “And what would your answer be?”

Avenatti continued to dodge the question, stating, “When I have a judge ask me that question as opposed to somebody whos not prepared…”

Callan retorted, “You put 12 ordinary people on a jury and tell them, award her money because somebody called her a liar, I think youd have a hard time getting a substantial damage award.”

“Actual damages justifying all of the effort thats gone into this lawsuit? I dont see it,” Callan declared. “Which means the lawsuit is a publicity lawsuit and a publicity stunt and thats all it is.”

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