Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign adviser and lawyer, recently trolled presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris by saying her voice sounded like the character of Marge Simpson on the long-running animated series "The Simpsons."On Friday, the show's verified Twitter account tweeted a video of Marge's response."I usually don't get into politics, but the president's senior adviser Jenna Ellis just said Kamala Harris sounds like me," the character said, explaining that Lisa, one of the children on the show, told her. "Lisa said she doesn't mean it as a compliment."Marge Simpson added that as an "ordinary suburban housewife," she was "starting to feel a little disrespected.""I teach my children not to name call Jenna," Marge admonished. "I was gonna say I'm pissed off, but I'm afraid they�Read More – Source
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