More than a dozen lorry drivers in Detroit came together on Tuesday to help a man on a bridge who was contemplating suicide.

Michigan State Police blocked the road and diverted traffic after they received reports of a man on the bridge at about 1am.

Officers asked lorry drivers to assist them – and directed 13 of them to line up below the bridge to break his fall if he jumped.

The lorries waited there for four hours while police talked to the man.

He eventually walked off to waiting officers and received medical help.

This photo does show the work troopers and local officers do to serve the public. But also in that photo is a man struggling with the decision to take his own life. Please remember help is available through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

— MSP Metro Detroit (@mspmetrodet) 24 April 2018

Michigan State Police tweeted: "This photo does show the work troopers and local officers do to serve the public.

"But also in that photo is a man struggling with the decision to take his own life. Please remember help is available through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline."

Lieutenant Michael Shaw said police often seek the help of lorry drivers in such incidents, but it was unusual to have so many – with the 13 lorries filling the entire width of the road.

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The police force later tweeted: "You can also call a loved one, member of the clergy or 911. There are so many people that can help you make the choice to get help and live! It is our hope to never see another photo like this again."

:: Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal can call Samaritans for help on 116 123 or email [email protected] in the UK. In the US, call the Samaritans branch in your area or 1 (800) 273-TALK.

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