Benny Johnson | Reporter At Large

President Donald Trump signed legislation at the White House Thursday that modernizes online music royalties.

The president was joined by some music industry megastars like Kid Rock, Sam Moore and Big and Rich for the signing of H.R. 1551, known as the Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act.

The president was in a good mood for the ceremony, welcoming the group of musicians and senators to the White House and saying, “The Music Modernization Act closes loopholes in our digital royalty laws to ensure that songwriters, artists, producers, and providers receive fair payment for the licensing of music.”

After signing the bill, Trump turned the microphone over to the musicians. As Kid Rock stepped to the mic, he said “Uh oh, I got the mic,” to laughter from the room. Trump said, “This could be good” in response. (RELATED: Kanyes Message To Liberals On Trump: This Is Our President)

“Id just like to bring it up that theres a whole lot of people in this country that do give you a lot of credit for everything youve been doing for this country,” Kid Rock said. Trump proceeded to thank him for the kind words.

Kid Rock pointed to the media and said, “We know that some people dont give it to you as much as maybe they should sometimes.”

He then paused and continued, praising the legislation for helping young musicians out “in a big, big way”:

A big part of this bill that Im a huge fan of is for the unsung songwriters out there. Theres so many who have written the songs that no one will ever see at any level. And everybody knows this business of music is a pretty dirty business. Theres a lot more that needs to be done here, and we need to go after the record companies next for things like free goods and things like that.

But this is a great start to protect songwriters, producers, engineers — the unsung heroes behind many of these songs that go out there. People like myself who are maybe more at the top of the food chain, it really doesnt affect as much. But I know many people it does affect. So this is going to help out in a big, big way, and be a great start for, hopefully, a lot of more following in the future. So thank you again.


Trump said, “Thank you, Kid,” to applause.

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