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Most parents are probably well chuffed to share news of their kids driving lesson, however Kerry Katona might be in a spot of trouble after her way of going about it.

The singer decided to livestream daughter Mollys driving lesson – without realising it was illegal to do so.

Getting behind the wheel and filming is one thing, however, if youre instructing a learner, youre held to the same road rules should you be steering.

The former Atomic Kitten singer was driving with her 16-year-old daughter but shared it live with her Instagram followers for all to experience the thrill.

Kerry katona live streams daughter's driving lesson and breaks the law METRO GRAB taken from: Credit: Kerry Katona/Instagram
Kerrys face was animated during the video (Picture: Kerry Katona/Instagram)

However it wasnt some private back road, as according to The Sun they were heading along Boars Head Road in Crowborough – where normal road rules apply.

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The mother pulled a range of expressions, including feigned fear, as her daughter with ex-husband Brian McFadden drove along.

At one point she told her daughter to keep both hands on the wheel, after squealing and telling Molly to drive slowly.

She said: Slow down a little bit, babe. Good girl.

Telling her to check her mirrors as she directed the car into a driveway to then reverse out of, Kerry added: Weve got the L-plates on, and added: Youre doing so well.

According to UK law, using your phone while supervising a driving lesson could land you with six points on your license and a £200 fine.

This also applies to professional driving instructors, not just friends and family taking a learner out for a lesson.

More: Kerry Katona

Not only could she face the points and fine, if Molly were to ding the car while driving as a 16-year-old, insurance would be void.

And with proof Kerry was on her phone during the lesson, that muddies the insurance waters somewhat, also. contacted reps for comment.

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