Nick Givas | Media And Politics Reporter

Joe Scarborough suggested President Donald Trumps immigration strategy is to have Marines shoot at “9-year-old girls” approaching the U.S. southern border if they throw rocks at soldiers.

“The thing that is so striking is Donald Trump actually believes by talking about marauding brown men coming to America that somehow this is his strategy to make the gender gap smaller, and shooting at 9-year-old girls if they throw rocks at fully armed U.S. Marines or soldiers?” Scarborough said Friday on MSNBCs “Morning Joe.”

“How clueless is this guy?” (RELATED: Joe Scarborough Likens Migrant Caravan To Gypsies And Jews Who Were Persecuted By The Nazis)

Scarborough said he doesnt think Secretary of Defense James Mattis will agree with Trumps plan to send soldiers to the border and said the presidents “political ploy” might cause Mattis to resign from the administration in protest.

“I just find it hard to believe that James Mattis is going to allow any of this to move forward,” Scarborough said.


“Obviously, the president is the commander-in-chief. Well, this seems to me before he sent more people for a political ploy to the Mexican border than Afghanistan, he would just walk away from the job, which tells me this is never going to happen.”

Mattis was asked during a Wednesday press event if sending troops to the border was a political ploy and he responded by saying the Pentagon doesnt “do stunts.”

“The support that we provide to the Secretary for Homeland Security is practical support based on the request from the Commissioner of Customs & Border Police,” Mattis said. “We dont do stunts in this department, thank you.”

The Pentagon announced they will be deploying more than five thousand members of the armed forces to provide backup for the border patrol.

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