Playing with friends is the best part of Monster Hunter: World, so here’s a quick guide to how it’s done and how to join a co-op quest.
When you first start up the game it’s not immediately obvious how you get to join in with someone else, especially as you have to get a little way into the game first to open up all the options.
The steps below will show you how to get things up and running, assuming you already have a subscription to Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus.
How do I play multiplayer in Monster Hunter: World?
When you first start the game you’ll be given the option to search for an online session or create your own. If you choose search you’ll start the matchmaking process to join a multiplayer session with up to 16 other people in it, although you can only take three others with you in an actual quest.
Before you click matchmake you can make sure the other people are close to your current level and filter for other preferences, such as language and quest type, or look for a particular session ID that a friend has given you.
If you choose to start your own session then you’ll be able to customise it yourself and set it to private, if you only want people you already known to join it. That way only people who you give the session ID to will be able to join in.
There’s also a third option that allows you to search for squad sessions. Squads are Monster Hunter: World’s equivalent of clans, but the option is greyed out if you haven’t join a squad yet – which will definitely be the case if this is your first time.
Whichever option you chose you’ll then find yourself in the main town hub. To actually play a quest with other people though you’ll have to use the quest board, which you’ll see just in front of you.
How do I start a quest with other people in Monster Hunter: World?
Playing a quest with other people works just the same as doing one on your own. Just go to the quest board and select Post a New Quest and choose which one you want to play.
Once you’ve made your choice the game will load in the quest, which will take a minute or two. Once that’s done you’ll be able to indicate you’re ready and either depart start away or wait for everyone else to begin.
Alternatively, you can choose Join a Quest from the quest board and join somebody else’s mission that’s already started – or answer a SOS flare if one has gone up.
More: Gaming
How do I play with my friends in Monster Hunter: World?
Playing with friends is easiest if you start an online session yourself and tell them the session ID. But either way you’ve got to make sure they’re close to the same level as you, because you’ll only be able to play quests up to the level of the lowest person.
So if you’re level 5 but your friend is only level 3 you’ll only be able to play level 3 quests.
To add a friend to an existing online session just bring up the main menu from with the game (press Start or Options on your joypad) and select Invite a Friend from the Communications menu.
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