Enter "Grand Hotel," a summer adaptation of a Spanish telenovela that ABC has cleverly positioned directly after "The Bachelorette." Set in and around a posh Miami hotel, it's a series unpretentiously designed to deliver breezy summer fun, where about all that's missing is a rose ceremony.Basically, "Grand Hotel" plays like a more straightforward, dumbed-down version of the hotel shenanigans in "Jane the Virgin," the truly grand CW dramedy that's heading into its final flurry of episodes. Or think of it as "Downton Abbey," with its upstairs/downstairs component involving the hotel staff and the family in charge, only if they fabricated excuses for both to be undressed as much as ABC standards allow whenever possible.The next 'Bachelorette'Nicely cast, it's also a showcase for Hispanic talent, and counts "Desperate Housewives'" Eva Longoria among its executive producers, in addition to appearing in a later episode in a small but significant cameo.The show hinges on a blended family, with hotel entrepreneur Santiago Mendoza (Demian Bichir) having wedded Gigi (Roselyn Sanchez) after the death of his wife, who also happened to be her best friend.Each has grown kids from their prior marriage, with Santiago's daughter Alicia (Denyse Tontz) and son Javi (Bryan Craig) both taking a hand in running the operation, although he spends most of his time seducing women around the pool.Not surprisingly, there's a murder mystery to keep things interesting, which slowly unspools over the four episodes previewed, as well as an attractive new employee (Lincoln Younes) who takes an immediate interest in Alicia."That's the boss man's daughter," he's told not long after the two lockRead More – Source
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