I cant take full credit of this letter to GC as the idea came to me after watching a YouTube video suggesting that the next instalment of Mario Kart should/could feature the Ultimate moniker, akin to the new Smash Bros. proclaiming Everyone is here!

Now the said video suggested all past racers and tracks should be included, which I think is great but at the same time just as Smash Bros. has transcended into something that celebrates video gaming icons in general I think itd be a triumphant return for the racer if we had A New Racer Revs Their Engine! approach to the series.

As my niece debated “It wouldnt be Super Mario Kart then would it?” And I agree, but it would be Mario Kart Ultimate!

Lets put our foot down and do away with all the sub-par clones by strapping everybody in just as Smash Bros has done, Solid Snake, Pikachu, Zelda, Samus, Rayman, Master Chief (Microsoft, cmon now, stop playing with our emotions, he can have a Warthog and Mongoose as a motorbike equivalent) the return of Donkey Kong Jr. (hey, hes an original!), Sonic of course, that nasty Crash Bandicoot everybody seems to love bar me (boy would I have some imaginative insults for him and his rubber-banding exploits Ive kept reserved for my regular and frequent co-racers since the beginning of time, language Ive used to describe my beloved gaming characters would make Conker blush!). Talking of Conker, throw him into the mix too, Id welcome them all with open arms AND a red shell!

Hell, lets see Captain Falcon in a Kart, its not like he uses the Blue Falcon so much anymore. That futuristic hover car is Read More – Source