The morning Inbox wonders how people beat Zelda: A Link To The Past without the Internet, as one reader explains why he prefers Fortnite to PUBG.
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Graphics theory
I’ve been thinking about the success of the Switch recently and what interests me is that once again its an underpowered console proving successful despite its limitations and apparently proving that graphics really aren’t important to either games or consoles. And yet it’s out the same generation as the PlayStation 4, which is arguably the first time the most powerful console has also been the most successful – which appears to break that rule.
But then I got to thinking about the Xbox One X, and wondered if that had come out first, as the basic Xbox One, would that have beaten Sony? I don’t think it would’ve. The Xbox One cratered because of its horrible always-online and other anti-consumer stuff, the fact that it was less powerful than the PlayStation 4 barely came into it at the time.
Likewise, I don’t think everyone flocked to the PlayStation 4 because of the graphics. It didn’t exactly stop them, but they were running away from the Xbox One and towards a console that promised, and has largely delivered on a lot of great consoles. As soon as it reached a sort of critical mass, with lots of people owning it, the fact that it was popular almost became the reason it was popular. The graphics and all that 4K nonsense was just the sugar on top.
That’s just the way I see it, but I think that the theory that people, in general, don’t buy a console because of its graphics still stands. It plays a part, but only a small one and I don’t think it’s ever tipped the balance in any console’s favour.
See for yourself
Just to let everyone know but there’s a Yakuza 6 demo up on the EU PlayStation Store, and I highly recommend everyone give it a go. I was very happy to see how highly rated the last game was in the Reader’s Top 20 of last year so anyone that loved that game, or was curious as to what all the hubbub is about, I really urge you to give it a go.
To be honest, I haven’t played it myself yet as it’s still downloading but suffice it to say this has made my week! The full game is out in April and I’m really hoping that it will be the definitive version of the game and a suitable end to the current saga.
For anyone that hasn’t played the games they’re a bit like Shenmue in that it’s mostly exploring and talking to people and also has a great fighting game engine. The story’s great though and the game manages to be both serious when it has to and silly and goofy when you go off the beaten path. If Sega can stick the landing with Yakuza 6 it will go down as one of the most consistently great franchises in history! Or at least it will with me.
Trailer time
Just a like tibit for the people talking about this year’s Battlefield, but DICE have just tweeted that the reveal trailer is ‘underway’. Whatever exactly that means. I guess it means they’re creating some kind of pre-rendered video, which I’m going to assume won’t take more than a few weeks?
I actually like the other readers idea of a modern day Battle Royale game, as long as that isn’t the only game mode and you get all the other regulars as well. I hope at least that they do bump up the number of players in a match though as I don’t like the way Battlefront has actually seen that number go down. Playing Battlefield 1 there still never seems like quite enough people on screen, to make it seem like a real war, and I’d like to see things increase to at least 100.
It’ll also be a relief to get back to normal guns as well. I don’t even mind if they go a bit near future as well, as long as it’s not sci-fi but realistic to what they are planning in the next five or 10 years. I’m hyped for it, and I hope we get to see it soon.
GC: Battlefield 1 was unveiled in early May 2016. EA’s reveals tend to be less regimented than Call Of Duty though, so there’s no reason to think it couldn’t be earlier (or later).
E-mail your comments to: [email protected]
Trumpian logic
You’ve gotta feel sorry for all these guys working at Konami. Even if half the stories are just made up it’s obvious from how few games are getting made nowadays that morale must be through the floor and that nothing is getting done.
I really wish that Konami would just sell its gaming business to someone else, Sony or Nintendo would pay for it out of petty cash I’m sure, because it’s painful to see all these great franchises go to waste. Castlevania, Silent Hill, Contra, Gradius, Bomberman, Suikoden. The only game they’re still making is Pro Evolution Soccer and, if you can call it that, Metal Gear.
Konami used to be one of my favourite companies in the 90s but now they’re just like their evil twin, purposefully cancelling games or making them bad just to… I don’t know, spite people? I can’t make any sense of what they’re doing. They’re like the Donald Trump of video game publishers.
Finished when its finished
I’m also someone that prefers Fortnite to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, not so much because it’s more ‘fun’ (although I do like its sense of humour) but simply because it’s finish. I just do not understand why we encourage these completely unfinished games (very unfinished in PUBG’s case) to be released so early. It’s so obvious that PUBG is just going to end up like DayZ in that all its popularity is while its broken and half-finished and by the time it gets around to being actually done everyone’s already moved on.
Maybe it could’ve got away with it a bit more if Fortnite hadn’t come around, but apart from the more realistic graphics I don’t think PUBG does anything interesting or different anymore. If it had come out so that it looked at least as good as the PC version from day one though… that would’ve been a different story.
They’ve made their money, and will continue to make more, so I’m sure they don’t care what I think but I really don’t think it’s old-fashioned to think a game should peak after its finished and not before. Adding to it, like has happened with Fortnite, is fine, but that’s not the same thing.
Taking a break
So, after your recommendation, I carried on with Zelda: A Link To The Past, what a huge game. I’ve managed to obtain the first of seven crystal things from the Dark World.
Not sure how many hours I’m up to but it’s quite a lot, 30-ish. How you people did this originally I have no idea. I’ve looked up some Internet help three or four times so far and am saving quite often, neither of which you could do back in the day.
I have had to take a break though. To play something a little less taxing.
Finished What Remains of Edith Finch, really interesting little game.
Now playing Firewatch, I remember you saying the ending was a let-down but I’m on day 78 so far and really like it.
The text intro was quite emotional and the writing and voice acting are top notch, adult and witty.
Constantly have the urge to keep playing to see what happens next.
Untold secrets
Just wondered (and hoped) that you may be reviewing the Secrets Of The Maw expansion
for the game Little Nightmares now that the third and final part of the DLC has been released.
Despite some hiccups of the 2.5D nature of the game I thoroughly enjoyed what I consider to
be a rather excellent and thought-provoking game.
GC: To be honest we probably won’t be able to get round to it. We weren’t quite as enamoured with the base game as you, but we’d welcome a Reader’s Feature on your experiences.
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
Family issues
In response to Purple Ranger’s letter the other day about Ivy in SoulCalibur VI. There will be a more era-appropriate outfit for Ivy, if not the second player skin then a character customisation system. So that will spare anyone’s blushes.
On her debut, her second outfit was a Napoleonic swashbuckler piratical-style outfit which made sense seeing as her dad is Cervantes.
Ah, Isabella Valentine – the original angry dominatrix. Though she does have good reason to be fed up. She has two mums and three dads! An adoptive mother and father – who are both dead. A birth mother who is presumably dead. A birth father who is an evil, undead pirate and the evil spirit of Soul Edge that possessed said birth father at the time. So, Inferno is also her dad. Technically. Which kind of makes her the Antichrist… I suppose? No wonder she’s so angry. Or maybe it’s the permanent front and back wedgie that the S&M swimsuit must be giving her.
As for single-player – there may yet be some logic in them saving details about it right up until the eleventh hour, don’t want to spoil it. Assuming it’s something to crow about at all, that is. My worry is that they’re chasing the success of NetherRealm and all we’ll get is a cinematic story mode. But NetherRealm have always been chasing the success of early SoulCalibur. I hope Motohiro Okubo, the producer, remembers that.
GC: He seemed pretty clued in when we met him, but the lack of any details is still a worry.
Inbox also-rans
GC, will you be reviewing Into The Breach on PC? It’s the next game from creators of FTL. It’s released 27th Feb. Early reviews seem very promising, but of course yours is the only one that really matters.
GC: Thanks very much. We’ll try and have our review up tomorrow.
Here is a digital copy of Blade Runner 2049 for any GameCentral reader who would like it and sends in an inbox letter.
Andrew J.
GC: That’s very generous of you.
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Gannet, who asks what do you think is the most overrated video game?
You don’t have to think the game is actively bad, just not as good as its reputation suggests. But do try and describe exactly why it didn’t live up to your expectations and what it got wrong. Was it just a good game that was hyped up too much, or do you feel it has flaws that were brushed over in reviews?
Was the problem that you were expecting it to be one thing and it turned out to be something completely different? Or was there some other personal preference that meant you couldn’t enjoy it?
E-mail your comments to: [email protected]
The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.
You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.
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