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Bloodborne - there's an explanation for everything

Bloodborne – how could it get any better?

The evening Inbox is unsure it really wants more superhero games, as one reader thinks Hollow Knight goes on too long.

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Nothing to add

To me those Bloodborne quotes from From seem blatantly like code for, Were going to do it but we cant announce anything before Sony lets us. Why not just say youre not doing it if youre not? The convoluted answer they did give is basically an admission that plans exist and well find out about them at some point (who knows when though).

Only problem I have is that while I loved the original and would kill for more Im not actually sure what to ask for. The game is basically perfect already and beyond upping the visuals, and particularly the frame rate, Im not sure theres any obvious feature missing.

What is interesting though is that the original had a lot of cut content that they presumably didnt have time/money for. Which seems crazy given how much is in the game already. This guy has a whole playlist of videos showing what was almost finished but abandoned, including bosses, enemies, and bits of the levels.

Awards hype

All this hype for The Game Awards is really doing its job and I cant wait to see (or rather read, Im not staying up for it) it all properly on Friday. Id say the thing Im most excited about right now is Mortal Kombat XI, but only if its a spiritual sequel to Shaolin Monks.

Like the other reader said, the one-on-one stuff seems played out now but if this goes off on another direction I will be all for it as Ive always loved that universe and would be happy to see more games in it. Itd also be great to have a big budget scrolling beat em-up for the first time in forever.

Im also cautious optimistic about the new Batman game, but since its the B-team working on it Id be worried its just going to be Arkham Knight with a new hat on. Like Arkham Origins was to Arkham City. Dont get me wrong, I did like the game and it did some things better than Rocksteady, but it was not exactly an original product.

Wrong person

Personally, I wish we were getting a new Metroid game that didnt have anything to do with the Prime series. I realise its going back to it to atone for the travesty of Other M, which has ruined the series in more ways that one, but Id much rather see a third person game than another first person one. The Batman and Soulsborne games have shown that Metroidvania can work in third person and I think thats where it belongs.

Although the first Metroid Prime was first person it really wasnt a shooter, but with each sequel it got more that way and I fear it would be even more so for the fourth game. Trying to turn it into a straight action game would really put me off and I worry it would dilute the style of the series.

The worse thing for me would be if it was successful, because then thered be even less chance of seeing something else. But Im certainly not going to sit here and wish failure for one of my favourite series. Its a difficult situation.



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Hardware appreciation

It was interesting that a common feeling in the weekend Hot Topic was that the games had been good this gen but the hardware disappointing. I can understand it as this gens consoles are further behind the technological curve than the previous gen, which were considered a good match for a gaming PC at the time.

But I think its a little harsh on this gen consoles that have provided gaming VR with PlayStation VR and home console level gaming on the go in the Switch. Both work beautifully, PlayStation VR is easily the most impressive technological jump Ive had the pleasure of seeing since Ive been gaming, over 20 years now. The ability to record or broadcast your gameplay is also a really nice feature this gen.

As for current gen games being doable on last gen hardware just with a downgrade, its hard to argue against that but I do this feel this gen has crossed a barrier in fidelity and graphics that really adds to the enjoyment of gaming. Frame rates is really the only negative for me this gen, other than that Ive really enjoyed it and hope to for another two years hopefully.
Simundo Jones

Main brand

This may be a bit selfish of me but entertainment is already bursting with superhero rubbish. How many superheroes does America even need!? Theyre all the same anyway, especially in the Marvel movies. Every dumb witty line of script could be said by any one of the characters.

Id rather game devs come up with something new and fresh, but lately it seems like anything with a superhero brand sells like crazy.

An Avengers game is going to have a lot of fanboy critics and if Square Enix screw it up (I read they had a $33 million loss recently) they will be in some deep water, which I hope doesnt affect their main brands.

GC: But superheroes would be new and fresh for games, theres hardly any based on them.

Dutch courage

I truly admire Dutchs seemingly unswerving resolve to permanently secure a better life for his people, and fearlessness in the face of extinction for his anarchistic kind.

But he clearly suffers from delusions of grandeur in his place in shaping American society. And he has a detrimental propensity for romanticising life as an outlaw, and sharing such a destructive ethos with his extended family. Tragic really.

Exceptionally written character though, and Im loving the ebb and flow in his relationship with Arthur, it makes for some entertaining, awkward and tense moments. Red Dead Redemption II is a triumph in character and story design!
Galvanized Gamer

Retro racing

Just a quick thank you for recommending Horizon Chase Turbo, GC. Ive purchased the game for my Xbox One S and the bright, clear, colourful graphics look excellent and its a refreshing change nowadays to have proper racing game music instead of licensed chart songs.

I feel like a 12-year-old boy having a blast on SNES Top Gear in my old cosy little bedroom again!



Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Less is more

At the 20-hour mark, I was ready to pronounce Hollow Knight as a Super Metroid beater. It has absolutely beautiful artwork, brooding music, a delightful cast of eccentric bugs and tight, engaging gameplay. Everything comes together to create this wonderfully menacing, lonely atmosphere. It is very much the lovechild of Metroid and Bloodborne, bringing together the best of both. Halfway through, it was potentially my game of the year.

But by the 35-hour mark it was beginning to drag. Instead of appreciating a sprawling, expansive world to explore, I began to begrudge another pointless sojourn to get a relic Id never use. By the 45-hour mark, I just wanted it to end. Its not that it deteriorated in quality at all, it just went on far too long without any significant changes to justify its length. Basically, it comes down to the old adage, less is more.

My two favourite Metroidvania games, Super Metroid and Cave Story, are both around the 12-hour mark. They are tight, intense experiences without any bloat. They still offer a vast world to explore but dont outstay their welcome. I honestly believe Hollow Knight would have been a far superior game if it had been half the length. I really think Team Cherry did themselves a disservice by not being more ruthless in cutting off some of the fat.
Ryan OD

Inbox also-rans

Epic Games taking on Steam sounds great at first, until you realise Epic are owned by a giant Chinese corporation. Valve are still the plucky underdog in this one!

And so the time for Sega to reissue Christmas NiGHTS as a free download is here again. I bet they dont. They never do. Still my favourite Christmas game though…

This weeks Hot Topic

The subject for this weekends Inbox was suggested by reader Preston, who asks what older game would you still like to see get a remake or remaster?

With games even as obscure as Toki now getting full-blown remakes, and following the huge success of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro The Dragon, we want to know what games you think still need to make a comeback and whether you think they could really be a hit again.

It can be any game from any era, even if theyve still got current sequels, but we want to know exactly what you would – and wouldnt – change about the game. How much would the graphics have to change and how outdated will the gameplay seem to modern gamers? And most importantly, do you honestly think itll ever happen?

E-mail your comments to: [email protected]


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New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

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