Fortnite Update 7.10 DELAYED: Season 7 Driftboard release on hold for Epic Games changes (Pic: EPIC GAMES)
Fortnite fans were getting ready for the launch of a brand new update tomorrow – update 7.10 for those interested – but that new patch is on hold whilst Epic Games sets to work with fixing a few unforeseen issues.
Epic Games had announced earlier today that they would be rolling out the new update with a brand new feature, we'll call it a vehicle for now, in the form of the new Driftboard.
"Almost time to shred! The v7.10 update slides in on December 18 at 5AM ET(1000 UTC)." Wrote Epic Games at around 7pm this evening.
However, no less than two hours later Epic took to Reddit to inform fans that the Driftboard released had been delayed.
"Hey folks, We know we set the expectation for the Driftboard to release in the coming update. Unfortunately, weve decided to hold the release of this new vehicle to make some final quality of life changes and other polish improvements.
"We want to get you out there carving up the slopes as soon as possible. However, our goal is to make sure that your experiences on the Driftboard are up to our expectations. We still have tons of quality of life and balance improvements on the way in v7.10."
No biggie, at least Epic were making the right call in prioritising improvements over new features.
However, in an even more bizarre twist, now Epic Games has announced (in the last 30 minutes) that the 7.10 update coming Tuesday has been scrapped completely.
The plane was expected to be nerfed slightly in Update 7.10 (Pic: EPIC GAMES)
"Due to last minute issues discovered within the build, weve had to delay the timing for the release of the v7.10 update," Epic told fans.
"Well provide more details on an exact time once we have more information."
It's not clear what these issues might be or how long it might take Epic Games to fix these problems, but we suspect they'll want to have something released before the end of the week and the busy Christmas period.
Based on past events such as this we wouldn't be surprised to see the update launch on Wednesday or Thursday at the very latest.
No doubt Epic are working around the clock though, so no fret, the updates just coming a little later this week.
Keep reading and you can see some of the issues currently listed on the games Trello Board. It's possible that one of these (or several) are the root cause of why the update has been delayed. Perhaps Epic want the game perfect so you can enjoy a stress free Fortnite week over the Christmas break.
Fortnite 7.10 Update – Trello Board Issues
Below you can take a look at some of the main bugs which the Trello board has marked as 'fixed in the next release'.
This isn't to say they'll definitely be included in the next patch. But there's a pretty decent chance.
Battle Royale 'fixed' Issues:
- Visual issue with Scratchmark Pickaxe Challenges
- Players continue to walk for a short time after being eliminated
- Player can be ejected from vehicles
Creative Mode 'fixed' Issues:
- Players may encounter building limitation on some Islands when in a full Creative server
- Increase in PC Crashes
- Players are unable to create or join creative sessions
- Unable to switch Islands when opening "Set Rift Destination" menu for the first time
- Vehicles can be deleted while they are in use
- Only 2 players will be teleported to a single Player Spawn Pad for games
The Infinity Sword is still showing for some players. (Pic: EPIC GAMES)
Save the World 'fixed' Issues:
- Deliver the Bomb missions may not function properly in the Ghost Town Zone
- SSD grants 20 XP if an amplifier takes 20% damage
- The Sniper Defender that is purchased from the Event Store does not have Perks
- Players may be marked as underpowered after returning from a mission
- Players may see a lower power level in lobby compared to their actual power level.
Mobile 'fixed' Issues:
- Letterboxing occurs on iPad
- Weapon auto pick up is delayed
- Vibration setting on low-end iPhone
- Weapon auto pick up is delayed
- The Block visual issue
- Bluetooth Audio
- Storm visual effects persist after leaving the storm
- Jerky Camera turning on Mobile