Two companies controlled by Michael Avenatti have yet to pay the over $126,000 owed to a victim of sex discrimination case despite orders from a Washington state court, the victims lawyer told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Elizabeth Eno, a top-performing manager at Tullys Coffee chain, was fired in July 2016 because she was pregnant, the court ruled last year, awarding her $120,000 from Tullys two parent companies at the time: Global Baristas LLC and Global Baristas US, LLC.
But Eno has yet to see a single cent from the award, her attorney told TheDCNF on Thursday.
State records show that Global Baristas US, LLC is controlled by the similarly named Global Baristas LLC, which in turn is controlled by Avenatti, the lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Utter Bulls*** — Avenatti Denies Political Interests Are Paying Him)
Avenatti claimed to know nothing about the money his companies apparently owe Eno. “I have no idea. I had nothing to do with the case,” Avenatti told TheDCNF on Thursday.
A judge ruled a summary order against the two companies in October 2017 to pay Eno $120,585 for wage losses, expectation damages, and pain and suffering related to her wrongful termination. Avenattis companies didnt even send an attorney to court.
On February 8th, Enos attorney was granted an affidavit to garnish the settlement from the two companiess bank accounts in KeyBank because the companies had yet pay out any of the judgement money to Eno. Because of interest and various filing fees, Enos judgement increased to $126,540.17.
KeyBank answered the writ of garnishment a week later on February 15. The bank reported no property or effects from Avenattis companies, writing “N/A,” court documents show.
Three months later, Elizabeth Eno is still waiting for her money.
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