MIAMI - DECEMBER 11: (L-R) Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias attend the Y100 Jingle Ball on December 11, 2010 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Justin Campbell/BuzzFoto/FilmMagic)
Enrique is getting some (Picture: Justin Campbell/BuzzFoto/FilmMagic)

If you were worried about the quality of Enrique Iglesias sex life, theres really no need.

The singer has himself confessed that all is well in the bedroom department, even going as far as to say he has sex for breakfast and dont we all feel grateful at his need to overshare.

The Hero singer has been with Anna Kournikova for 10 years, and while the pair might not officially be married, their sex life certainly hasnt dwindled, and in fact has increased if anything since the birth of their twins Nicholas and Lucy 10 months ago.

And Morning sex is where its at.

Asked how he keeps the flame alive, he told Vick Hope on the Lorraine show: Well thats exactly what I do for breakfast!

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In fact theyre managing to do it on the reg despite their busy careers and their tots.

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Its probably more sex now than ever. The sex has not diminished, he said.

Like any couple, you still go through your ups and downs and its not always perfect. But it is perfect in a way, he said of their relationship. Its incredible to watch her be such a great mother. Its incredible to watch a mum do what she does, when a mothers instinct kicks in.

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And while he and Anna are not yet married (clearly got other things to keep them too busy to plan a wedding!) hes not ruled it out.

I mean, when youve been with someone for quite a while, the way I have, its like being married, he said.

No, Im not [married]. Id like to get married maybe in the future.

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