Once again we're extending a hearty hello to all you new Destiny 2 players. Since Bungie went free-to-play we know that the game has seen a welcome surge in players.

The game feels full of life once more and we even noticed (via Forbes Paul Tassi) that the game managed to have close to 2000 Twitch streams last night during the 12 hour cross-play server downtime. By comparison, Division 2 was just behind, but Anthem, couldn't manage three figures. Ouch.

Anyway, back to the game, which today will once again see the return of our friendly squid-faced exotic vendor.

You might know him as Xur, we refer to him as the Legendary Shard hoover.

The Agent of the Nine will return to the game later today, ready to start dealing his exotic wares for guardians to purchase if they spot something that takes their fancy.

As a reminder to anyone new to the game or not 'in the know' he's also selling the isochronal engram, which grants players with one random Year 1 exotic they do not already own. This nicely leads us onto your first and most important question…

Where is Xur This Week?

Don't jump on that sparrow just yet Guardians, if you try searching for Xur right now all you're going to find is bitter disappointment.

Our cloaked clerk is not yet live in the game. He used to arrive in the mornings, in a by gone age, but now he makes his welcome return in the evenings at 11am PST, 2pm EST, 6pm BST and 7pm CET

When the Agent of the Nine does return to the game you'll find him hunched over in one of his usual haunts, across the games many worlds and locations.

We can't give you a specific location just yet, becase he randomly appears in a location of his choosing. Although always in the same locations you've always found him on Titan, Io, Nessus, the European Dead Zone and the Tower.

Just remember, if you haven't played in some time that since the release of Destiny 2 Forsaken, he no longer displays a vendor icon on destination maps.

So its going to take you (and us) a few extra minutes to find him.

So check back at 6pm on the dot for all the information you need on where he's located, what he's selling and whether it's actually worth spending your Read More – Source

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