Destiny 2 Reset UPDATE: Iron Banner, Xur, Raid, Nightfall News, weekly countdown for Feb 6
Destiny Weekly Reset – UPDATE 1:
Following this evening's Weekly Reset to Destiny 2, here are some of the nitty-gritty details listing all the various modifiers in place on the Nightfall, as well as some of the more individual Flashpoint and Meditations challenges for Destiny 2 players on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
In addition to the below, it's also worth noting that the Faction Rally is now live. For now though, here are the Destiny 2 Reset changes:
• Torrent: Boundless power erupts from within. Your abilities recharge much faster.
• Zero Hour: The mission timer cannot be extended. Choose your battles carefully.
• Speed of Dark: Finish the Nightfall with five minutes remaining.
• Unbroken: Finish the Nightfall with fewer than three deaths.
• Shielded Minotaur Challenge: Kill the Shielded Minotaurs in under 90 seconds.
Visit Ikora in the Tower and you can replay specific story missions which are significantly harder than the base game, in exchange you'll earn engrams. This week players can repeat the following story missions:
• Meditation: "Six"– A crashed colony ship, an interspecies war… Cayde-6 got that adventure he wanted. Go save him from it.
• Sacrilege – Since the loss of her Light, Ikora has many questions—and she's not leaving Io without answers.
• This week’s destination is Io. Complete Public Events to finish the Milestone and get a Luminous Engram.
• This week’s raid rotation is the Pleasure Gardens, Royal Pools, The Guantlet, and then the Calus fight. The Challenge for this week’s raid is the CALUS fight.
Destiny 2 Weekly Reset – Here's Everything That Changes
Here's a rundown of everything which resets in Destiny 2 following the Tuesday Weekly ResetBungie Clan XP is reset
Destiny 2 Guardians have just a couple of hours remaining to make the most of the numerous activities and in-game rewards before the ritual Tuesday weekly reset takes place today, February 6th.
Due to a change to the game, the weekly reset no longer takes place at 9am (GMT) as it has usually done. Instead, the reset will occur at 5pm GMT (or 9am PDT) putting it in line with the rest of the game updates.
For those who don't recall, the Destiny 2 reset is a fairly common occurrence, dating right back to the original game where certain in-game activities reset on a weekly schedule.
This includes everything from new in-game activities, the disappearance of exotic gear vendor Xur and the removal of Trials of the Nine/Iron Banner from the crucible playlist.
Essentially this is a countdown to complete these tasks before they're reset, replaced or removed entirely from the game.
Each Tuesday, the following rituals and activities will have all progression and rewards reset and/or removed:
• Leviathan Raid rewards
• Weekly Nightfall Strike
• Trials of the Nine unavailable after the weekly reset
• Xur disappears again…
• New Flashpoint destination on one of the game's four planets
• Personal Clan XP contribution and Clan Engram rewards
• New Treasure Maps from Cayde-6
• Milestone rewards for Call to Arms, Nightfall, Flashpoint, Clan XP
Keep reading for more details on the key changes taking place THIS week.
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Iron Banner Departs
Later today the Iron Banner will exit the Destiny 2 Crucible.
As with most cases, Lord Saladin's ultimate crucible trial lasted for one week only, finishing today on Tuesday, February 6.
For those wanting to know, the game mode is Control – you still have until 5pm to take part.
"This will be the first time Lord Saladin returns to the Tower in Season 2. There have been some changes to how you’ll go about decorating your Guardian with relics of the Iron Lords," advised Bungie during the weekly blog post.
"First, we are adding new items to the engrams you will find waiting for you when you visit Lord Saladin.
"There will definitely be Season 2 weapons in the Iron Banner Engram and we will be adding more in the next event."
You can take a look at what rewards await you in the gallery below. Although you won't find the new Iron Banner ship, you'll have to wait until the Iron Banner begins to discover that for yourselves.
Equally, if you are missing items from last season, Bungie has advised that they will still drop as possible rewards from engrams.
"There is also a new emblem that tracks how many lifetime rank ups for Iron Banner you have earned in Destiny 2. You can earn it by completing the Iron Banner Milestone," added Cozmo on the blog.
Here are your rewards for competing:
• Crimil’s Dagger [Hand Cannon] – 60 Iron Banner Tokens, 25 Shards
• Frostmire’s Hex [Scout Rifle] – 60 Iron Banner Tokens, 25 Shards
• Gunnora’s Axe [Shotgun] – 60 Iron Banner Tokens, 25 Shards
Destiny 2 – Iron Banner Season 2 Rewards
It’s time. A battle of Guardian versus Guardian returns.
Where is Xur?
Last Friday when players were asking 'Where is Xur?' they quickly discovered the exotic gear merchant on Nessus.
Previously, in Destiny 1, Xur used to leave the tower on a Sunday, giving Guardians only the weekend to properly acquire those Strange Coins to trade in for exotic weapons and armour. In Destiny 2, however, Xur leaves when the game undergoes it's Tuesday weekly reset.
That means players don't have long to trade in their Legendary Shards for Xur's loot, which this week includes:
• The Prospector Exotic Grenade Launcher – 29 Legendary Shards
• Lucky Raspberry Exotic Chest armour – 23 Legendary Shards
• An Insurmountable Skullfort Exotic Helmet armour – 23 Legendary Shards
• Orphidian Aspect Exotic Gauntlets armour – 23 Legendary Shards
In addition, after the Destiny 2 Update on December 12, Xur started selling a few new items. This included the Three of Coins (31 Legendary Shards) and the Fated Engram (97 Legendary Shards).
For a closer look at his inventory, take a look at the gallery below.
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Nightfall Strike
This last week Destiny 2 Guardians have been taking on Savathun's Song Nightfall with Torrent and Timewarp: Anomalies modifiers active, but following the weekly reset, players will have yet another brand new Nightfall to experience.
For anyone not in the know, a Destiny 2 Nightfall Strike is essentially higher-difficulty variations of each existing Destiny 2 Strike.
During a Nightfall Strike, enemies are usually tougher and different enemies may appear in clusters as you encounter them throughout the mission, compared to a usual Strike.
In addition, Bungie normally adds certain modifiers to each Nightfall Strike which make the process even more difficult. For example, enemies could have increased aim accuracy, or more enemies could have shields.
Alternatively, it might be modifiers which impact the player, such as players taking more damage while airborne or having the player radar completely disabled.
However, it's impossible to know what Nightfall Strike will replace Savathun's Song as we no longer have a handy roadmap to refer to.
Stay tuned for details as soon as the weekly reset is complete later today.
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As with every Tuesday reset, Trials of the Nine is rotated out of the Destiny 2 Crucible PvP mode.
For the past weekend, players have been playing the Countdown game mode on The Fortress map.
However, if you've yet to make it flawless and access the mysterious place with the giant Emissary and the Unicorns, don't worry.
There's still time to earn some of that amazing Trials of the Nine loot before the mysterious Nine depart for another week.
But as a reminder, Players must complete the Destiny 2 campaign, the Call to Arms Milestone at least once, and have 260 Power for access to Trials of the Nine.
And if you're struggling to find a group to complete the Trials of the Nine, don't worry, because Bungie has declared their intent to bring the Guided Games feature to the PVP mode at some stage in the future.
Visit Ikora in the Tower and you can replay specific story missions which are significantly harder than the base game, in exchange you'll earn engams.
The past week players could repeat the following story missions:
• Looped: No one's heard from Cayde-6 since the Hunter took off for an uncharted world. Track him down.
• Utopia: Venture deep into the heart of the Hive to retrieve a powerful Golden Age CPU—and make it out alive.
• This past week has seen the flashpoint on the Nessus, with players tasked with completing Public Events to finish the Milestone and get a Luminous Engram.
Destiny 2 DLC: Curse of Osiris Trailer Screenshots
Take a look at some screenshots from the Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris DLC Trailer.
Destiny 2 Raids
Later today, following the Reset, Bungie will introduce more Raid rewards for the coming week.
Thanks to a big blog post recently from Game Director Christopher Barrett we know a little bit more about some upcoming changes to the Raids.
These changes arrived January 30th, details of which you can find just below:
Raid Reward Rework
• Benedict 99-40 now has a rotating stock of armor and weapons available each week
– To unlock these items for purchase, players must complete the corresponding activity that week
• Raid encounters drop at least one armor or weapon item
– Note: The Castellum and Reactor Escape encounters each drop one Legendary engram per week
• Completing a Prestige version of a raid encounter prior to normal difficulty will drop both Prestige and normal rewards while also locking the weekly rewards for each activity
• The last encounter of raid activities has a chance to drop a new Exotic Ghost, exclusive to the Leviathan
• Raid armor has unique mods that only function within the Leviathan
• Raid mods can be swapped at will for the cost of one raid token
• Existing raid armor already held in inventory will automatically have the option to equip mods
• All raid encounters now have a chance to grant an Exotic reward
Expect new Raid challenges to go live at 5pm.
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