Hundreds of leftists descended on Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. Saturday morning to show their opposition to the attendees of the Demand Free Speech rally headlined by Gavin McInnes, Milo Yiannopoulous, Laura Loomer, and other right-wing figures.

A large police force and barricade system prevented the kind of brawl that occurred in Portland last week and led to the hospitalization of journalist Andy Ngo. The event was not without its highlights, however, and showcased many displays of left-wing activism. (RELATED: Journalist Andy Ngo Attacked At Portland Rally. He Reportedly Sustained Injuries)

In the Antifa-occupied enclave, speakers were invited to present ideas and artistry highlighting their perspectives on American life. One of them was Xemi, a self-identified two-spirit, indigenous trans-woman who performed a spoken word poem on the term “Latinx.”

A “Latinx” slam poetry at #ALLOUTDC

— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) July 7, 2019

Antifas finest came out to DC today.

— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) July 6, 2019

Blue-haired activist at #AllOutDC Rally Opposing the Demand Free Speech Rally Credit: Saurabh Sharma/The Daily Caller

As the event went on, some of the Antifa activists took issue with the Daily Callers journalists documenting the event and began attempting to block the cameras.

This eventually escalated to some pushing and other physical contact, with D.C. police uninterested in intervening, at one point brushed off concerns.

We were harassed by antifa for daring to film the event and completely brushed off by police #DemandFreeSpeech #AllOutDC

— Saurabh Sharma (@ssharmaTX) July 7, 2019

One rainbow and pentagram-clad activist remained in the “neutral zone” between the two rallies the entire time, occasionally engaging with the free speech activists. The activist at one point got up close and personal with one of the Callers journalists as they were chased into the neutral zone by Antifa members.

Antifa protester getting up close and personal. Appreciate it…

— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) July 6, 2019

As the rally heated up, the coalition of masked Antifa members began to march around the block to attempt to reach the Defend Free Speech rally, something the overwhelming police presence eventually put a stop to. Upon returning to the rally venue the masked activists largely dissipated.

Sister Soyona Passiva of the DC Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an order of drag queen nuns, told the Daily Caller that they attended the rally in order to form a “barrier” between the two opposing factions. When asked if they were prepared to form a physical barrier if the free speech activists crossed over, they said yes, and that they were also offering hugs to the left-wing activists in need.

We met Sister Soyona Passiva of the DC Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an order of drag queen nuns. #AllOutDC Read More – Source

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The daily caller

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