The TV host/model is one of the most active celebs on social media and on Tuesday she posted a video of herself on her verified Twitter account which showed her being tested.Teigen can be seen giggling as the test, which involves a long swab being deeply inserted into the nose, was administered."Honestly loved it," Teigen wrote in the tweet accompanying the video.She received some backlash on social media, with some complaining about what they said was difficulty for non celebrities to be able to be tested."Everyone in LA can get tested for free," Teigen tweeted in response to one now deleted tweet. "I'm having surgery and had to. I'm sorry if this offends you."Teigen later posted a photo of herself topless on her official Instagram account (with the nipples covered via Photoshop) where she explained that the surgery she was having was to have her breast implants removed.She said she made the posting because, "A lot of people are understandably curious (anRead More – Source

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