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Harvard, MIT sue Trump administration over revoking foreign student visas

Issued on: 08/07/2020 – 22:54 Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued th..

Penn State basketball coach apologizes for ‘noose’ comment after a Black player shares that’s...

In a statement posted on Twitter this week, Bolton said he chose to leave Penn State following an ex..

Trump now in open dispute with health officials as virus rages

The result, people at those agencies say, is a new sense of demoralization as they continue their at..

Mexican president lauds Trump despite past threats, insults against Mexicans

Issued on: 09/07/2020 – 06:25Modified: 09/07/2020 – 06:36 Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Ob..

Trump insists on re-opening schools as US Covid-19 cases top 3 million

Issued on: 09/07/2020 – 06:10 The United States topped three million confirmed coronavirus cases W..

A Texas officer runs into a burning house and saves an 8-year-old boy

As Cristobal Marin was driving Monday to pick up feed for his horses in Socorro, a city in El Paso C..

Viriginia has eliminated its rape kit backlog, state attorney general says

"Virginia's backlog of untested rape kits has been completely eliminated and it's never co..

Coronavirus deaths and infection rates higher in US prisons than general population, analysis finds

"The number of US prison residents who tested positive for Covid-19 was 5.5 times higher than the ge..

Deutsche Bank fined $150 million for failing to flag Jeffrey Epstein accounts

Issued on: 07/07/2020 – 18:21 Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay $150 million to settle claims that i..

Mississippians could vote to strike a Jim Crow-era voting process in November

Under current state law, as written in Mississippi's 1890 Constitution, winners of state-level,..

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