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A fond farewell to the weird and wonderful Nintendo DS

EnlargeAurich Lawson In December 2004, my boyfriend showed up at my apartment door carrying a box. "..

Spelunky 2 game review: Roguelike perfection

Enlarge / Ana (center) is the star of Spelunky 2, and she's on a search for her adventuring par..

Review: Netflix debuts two solid German offerings with Biohackers and Freaks

Enlarge / Luna Wedler (left) plays a young medical student with a secret in in the German drama Bioh..

TikTok and WeChat: US to ban app downloads in 48 hours

TikTok and WeChat will be banned from US app stores from Sunday, unless President Donald Trump agree..

‘Revenge porn new normal’ after cases surge in lockdown

There has been a surge in reports of so-called revenge porn this year, with campaigners saying the p..

Hoverboarding dentist gets 12 years in prison for fraud, unlawful dental acts

Enlarge / A man tests out a Hovertrax hoverboard produced by Razor at the International Toy Fair 201..

Here are the winners of the 2020 Ig Nobel Prizes to make you laugh,...

The 30th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony: introducing 10 new Ig Nobel Prize winners, each of wh..

Sony makes it official: PlayStation 5 wont natively support PS1, PS2, PS3

Enlarge / Were you hoping to play classic PlayStation discs on the newest PlayStation 5 console late..

CDC dramatically restores COVID-19 testing advice marred by political meddling

Enlarge / The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters stands in Atlanta, Georg..

PS5 retailers have many fewer Digital Edition systems for preorder

Across the country, GameStop locations had many more $499 Standard Edition PS5 systems for preorder ..

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NASA sets launch date for Starliner mission to space station

Enlarge / The crew module of Boeings CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is lifted onto its service module ..