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European Politicians, Experts discuss the Libyan Civil War

On Tuesday, July 16, the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), with the support of the Internat..

Somalia’s attack is a horrific targeting and a mass murder

Geneva – The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor strongly condemned a terrorist bombing that tar..

Euro-Med reviews regional crises for new European Parliament members

The European-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor urged newly elected members of the Parliament of the..

Vaccination to contain severe measles outbreak underway in t the Congo amidst Ebola and...

ITURI, Democratic Republic of the Congo/DAKAR/GENEVA/NEW YORK, 11 July 2019 – Health workers are urg..

Investing in internally displaced childrens education is investing in their future

Today, representatives from governments around the world are gathered in New York City to review pro..

At least seven children killed in yet another attack on civilians in northwest Syria

NEW YORK, 7 July 2019 – “At least seven children are confirmed to have been killed in an attack yest..

Jamal Khashoggi case: UN’s Agnes Callamard & fiancée Hatice Cengiz at London event

Amnesty International will host a high-profile event in London next week (Tuesday 9 July) on the mur..

Mosul: Over 300,000 still unable to go back home two years since end of...

More than 300,000 residents of Mosul district are still displaced with no homes to go back to, two y..

Turkey: call for authorities to lift unlawful ban on Istanbul Pride

Thousands expected to defy the ban on Sunday There is still time for the authorities to do the righ..

UN General Assembly set to vote on curbing trade in torture equipment

China is major manufacturer of equipment like spiked batons, spiked electric-shock riot forks, elect..

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EU officials float €100B boost for European companies

EU officials want to set up a €100 billion wealth fund to bolster “European champions” against Ameri..