Immediately the BTS "ARMY" (the name given to their fan base) erupted into a fury on social media, with supporters saying the South Korean boy band was robbed. Singer Halsey, who has collaborated with the group on their hit single, "Boy With Luv," also tweeted her unhappiness."Deleting and ignoring all negativity. BTS deserved many nominations. I am however, unsurprised that they weren't acknowledged. the US is so far behind on the whole movement. the time will come."Luke Waltham tweeted, "I'm gonna say it now: with all the sales, streams and top ratings for Map of the Soul: PERSONA, @BTS_twt at least deserved a nomination for Album of the Year. I said what I said."A BTS fan tweeted, "The full nominations list is on the grammys website. bts got nothing. seriously robbed and ignored, what the hell? best selling album of the year and one of the biggest music acts in the world right now. what more do grammys want? for them to be white?"Related: How a boy band from South Korea became the biggest in the worldThe members of BTS, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook, broke a Beatles reRead More – Source
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