Paramount Pictures has announced that it will delay the release of "A Quiet Place II" in light of the pandemic."After much consideration, and in light of the ongoing and developing situation concerning coronavirus and restrictions on global travel and public gatherings, Paramount Pictures will be moving the worldwide release of A Quiet Place Part II," the studio said in a statement provided to CNN on Thursday."We believe in and support the theatrical experience, and we look forward to bringing this film to audiences this year once we have a better understanding of the impact of this pandemic on the global theatrical marketplace."The sequel to 2018 thriller starring Emily Blunt was scheduled to open in theaters on Friday, March 20. A new release date has not yet been announced.Directed by Blunt's husband, John Krasinski, the film is the latest Hollywood project pivoting as countries try to contain transmission of the virus. Multiple concerts have also been postponed or canceled, TV shows are Read More – Source
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