Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson's statement follows claims made by a doctor paid by the Epstein family challenging that conclusion."Our investigation concluded that the cause of Mr. Epstein's death was hanging and the manner of death was suicide. We stand by that determination," Sampson said."We continue to share information around the medical investigation with Mr. Epstein's family, their representatives, and their pathology consultant. The original medical investigation was thorough and complete. There is no reason for a second medical investigation by our office."The comments come after Dr. Michael Baden, a former NYC medical examiner, claimed on "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday morning that findings in Epstein's autopsy were "more consistent with ligature homicidal strangulation." Baden echoed remarks from Epstein's attorneys in August in which the legal team said it had received opinions that Epstein suffered injuries consistent with a fatal assault. Baden was present at the official autopsy on August 11.On "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday, Baden specifically noted that Epstein had broken several bones in his neck, which he said was more consistent with strangulation than with hanging.However, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said in August that multiple neck fractures means the cause is less likely to be strangulation alone."In strangulation, while you can break the hyoid bone, it is less likely to actually break bones in the neck," Gupta said. "By hanging, someone can break both the hyoid bone and other bones in the neck. None of these factors in isolation give you a complete story."Dr. Lawrence Kobilinsky, a professor of forensic science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, also said tRead More – Source
NYC medical examiner rejects claim Jeffrey Epstein was killed
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